Chapter VII - Detached from Reality

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Former Chapter Title: Hesitations

TW: Suicide

[Austin's POV]

It's been a day since I last saw Sabrina... Does she still need some time alone? I know I shouldn't think about her killing herself, but I know it's kind of possible now that almost no one saw her.

I'm getting anxious because of this.

As if we're missing one... or two...


Huh? That's odd.

The way that voice phrased it, it seems that two people died again. Could it be that the assassin killed someone? I don't want to think that someone attacked Sabrina, but I'll hope that she's alive and well.

Sabrina died from mysterious circumstances.


It can't be true...


She can't be dead yet.


"Hello?" I knocked at her door.

There was no response.

Her body was left hanging on a noose in her room.


I knocked even harder, in hopes that she'll hear me.

"Sabrina? Are you there?" I called.

There was still no response.



Why her...? Why them...?


What did I do wrong?


I'm such a failure.


If only I did better and catch the murderer then, this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have... lost them... if I did...


They took everything from me... My friends... The only people I can trust and rely on...


I'll get revenge.


Even if it stains my hands.

[Trey's POV]

Did Sabrina just— killed herself?!

W-Why would she do that?! Is it because one of her friends died? Is it because we're in a hopeless situation?!


Dan died from the Murderer.


Dan died, too... huh?

And here I thought that... he would save us... that he'll expose the murderer.

It was a mistake to place my hope in someone.

His body was left on the ritual circle.

I heard Kim-ly screaming, as always. I'm really getting bad signals from her. But, I have little evidence against her, so I might not mind her for a while.

Her screams led me to Dan's room. Checking what happened, I witnessed... something... spine-chilling.

What seems to be the ritual circle has candles and books surrounding it. In the center lies Dan's body. There were knives stabbed on both his hands and rope tied on his feet. His facial expression shows suffering, as if he struggled. His blood flows through the blue carpet. It's like he was sacrificed by a cult.

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