22. Avalanche Rhino

Start from the beginning

"Look at the beautiful stars above us.... PITY TOPH CAN'T SEE THEM!" Katara yelled. Katara got launched and fell with her sleeping bag and all on top of Sokka.

I said down up straight and looked angrily at Katara and Toph her tent. "And now its over! Shut up and go to sleep, both of you!!!" I hissed. Katara frowned and laid down next to Sokka.

"The Avalanche Rhino is back!" Toph yelled and she made her tent disappear. "How far is it away? Maybe we can close our eyes for two minutes." Sokka said sleepy.

"I don't think so, Sokka." I said while collecting my things and within a minute, Appa flew away. We looked over the saddle to see what it was. "Seriously, what is that thing?" Katara asked when she rubbed her eyes. I narrowed my eyes to see it a bit better. It was with no doubt a Fire Nation machine, but I did not see it before. "It's made of metal.... It does carry something behind it. Maybe it transports something?" Toph asked.

"I wonder how it keeps following us." Katara asked worriedly. "I'll make sure they won't find us now." Aang said and he took Appa's reins. Appa started to zig zag through the sky. We passed various mountains and we decided to land on a flat side. Well, Appa did.

Appa rolled over and we fell out of the saddle. "Forget about setting up camp, I am just going to find the softest spot of dirt and go to sleep." Sokka said when he crawled to a spot close to the edge.
"That's fine, because Toph wasn't going to help anyway." Katara said.
"Oh, I did not know Sugar Queen needed someone to tug her in." Toph replied annoyed.

"Guys please... we are being chased and we don't even know by what." Aang said sleepily "It could be Zuko..." Katara said airily. "It is not Zuko." I said with gritted teeth.
"How do you know?" Katara asked. "I just know," I shrugged, "continuing with stuffing my pillow.

"Who is Zuko?" Toph asked confused.

"Iz her ex-boyfriend." Sokka said drily, "And Prince of the Fire Nation, and chaser of Avatars."
"You made out with the Prince of the Fire Nation?" Toph asked amazed.
"Well, no... ugh, never mind." I said annoyed.
The ground started to shake a bit and we saw dust rising up from the mountain.

"How is this possible?!" Aang asked amazed, when we saw the metal thing climbing up the mountain.

"Because it's a Fire Nation device and..." I started when I put my hand down, right in a pile of Appa's shedding fur, "we can be tracked easily." A door in the metal thing went open and three huge lizards crawled out of it, with on their backs the three that I kind of had expected: Azula, Ty Lee and... Mai. "Hey Istari!" Ty Lee yelled friendly and she waved at me. "Hi..." I replied awkwardly and turned around, "Get in the saddle!" Everyone jumped in the saddle, chased by fire and Mai's sharp blades. Appa took off and Azula was ready to shot lightening. I stood in front of her, prepared to redirect it, and I did. My whole body got filled with it, a warm, excited and pleasant feeling. I directed it to the metal machine and it struck right into it.

I jumped in the saddle and looked down at Azula, who was smirking.

"I can't believe these girls have been following us all the way from Omashu..." Katara said quietly.
"Believe me, Azula could follow every step we've taken." I replied grimly.
"I still think we could have taken them." Toph said disappointed.
Oooooooh noo!" Sokka yelled and the four of us jumped up, "the sun is rising!" he exclaimed while he pointed to the East.
"We haven't slept for more than two hours!" Sokka complained.
"I haven't slept at all, do you see me complain?" I asked annoyed.
"No, but I do see some big purple bags." Sokka replied.

"Very funny," I replied sarcastically, "Every time we land, those girls are there! We have to be alert." I said.
"Or we just keep flying." Katara said like it was no big deal.
"We can't keep flying for ever." Aang replied worriedly.


"So what's the plan?" Aang asked after a while.
"I don't know... too tired to think." Toph replied.
"I am sure we will come up with something after a short nap." Katara replied sleepily. Suddenly, I had a really weird feeling in my lower abdomen. I looked beside me and I saw Momo slowly rising up from the saddle, floating.
"What is going on?!" Toph yelled panicky. "APPA FELL ASLEEP!" I replied alarmed.

We were falling down hard and just before we crashed into some trees, Appa woke up. Unfortunately, Appa coudlnt pull up anymore and we went straight into the trees. We got to a halt just before a river.

"Appa is exhausted." Aang said quietly.
"We have put a lot of distance between us and them and I guess we should all follow Appa's lead and get to sleep." Sokka said with a yawn. "We could have gotten some sleep earlier if Toph didn't have such issues." Katara said angrily.

"WHAT?!" Toph yelled angrily.
"Alright, alright," Aang said quickly, "everyone's exhausted. Just get some rest."
"No!" Toph yelled, "I wanna hear what Katara has to say!" Katara threw her sleeping bag on the ground and yelled: "If you would have helped setting up our camp we would have been done earlier and got some more sleep!"

"Me? The only one who should be blamed is Appa!" Toph said angrily.
"What you are blaming Appa for?" Aang asked disappointed. I sighed and bend down, grabbing some of the fur that was in the grass. "This is how they keep finding us." I said and I opened my hand. The hairs slowly blowing away by the wind.

"How dare you two blame Appa! He has saved your lives three times today." Aang said.
"I know, Aang but he is leaving traces.' I said calmly.
"I'm just carrying my own weight, Aang!" Toph said irritated.

"No! Appa's carrying you and your weight, he didn't had a problem with just carrying the four of us, you are the problem!" Aang yelled.

"I am outta here!" She said and she grabbed her bag.
"Toph, wait!" I yelled, but Toph ignored me. When Toph was out of sight, I turned around to Aang.

"What are you doing? You just yelled at your Earthbending Master and now she is gone, just because you can't accept the fact Appa is leaving traces?!" I yelled confused. Aang gaped at me. "Forget it, I'm going after her. I can't let her be on her own." I said quickly and grabbed my bag.

"She's perfectly able to take care of her self, obviously." Katara said arrogantly.
"Yes, but she's still a child. Just like you guys." I mumbled and I walked away.


I could not find Toph anymore. I sighed loudly and I wanted to walk back to the rest. I the sky I saw Appa flying by. I started to follow him and in the distance, I saw a small town, deserted. I saw shots of fire flying around and when I arrived, I saw Zuko and Aang trying to fight off Azula.

"Ah, Istari!" She said with a smirk. "The traitor's spawn... Enjoying the life of an outcast?"
"Never better." I replied and I ran towards her, shooting flames. I saw that Katara and Sokka arrived as well. We formed a circle and Iroh and Toph also joined in together. (huh?)

"Traitors and enemies, working together...." Azula said when she was isolated by us.
"I guess I have nothing else to do than just... surrender." Azula said and she held her hands above her head. "A princess surrenders with honor, I know when I'm defeated" We exchanged looks and just before we lowered our hands, Azula shot a streak of blue fire and it hit Iroh full in the chest. Zuko shouted and I gasped loudly as the rest attacked Azula. All for elements got together, creating a loud bang. But when the smoke cleared up, Azula was gone.

"Zuko... Please I can help." Katara said when she looked at Iroh, who was in pain on the ground.
"Leave!" Zuko yelled and he shot fire behind him to the group. The four backed off but I took a deep breath and stepped forward. Zuko didn't fire anything at me.

"Istari!" Sokka hissed. I looked behind me to the group. "He's like a father to me, I can't leave him like this." I stuttered.
"Promise us we will see you in Ba Sing Se." Aang said shakily. I smiled and nodded slowly. "Yes, of course." The four of them walked away and I sat down next to Zuko.

"I don't want or need your help." Zuko said shakily.
"I know you don't, but uncle does... Just let me help and I'll be on my way."
Zuko sighed and nodded. While tending to Iroh I wondered if I had made the right decision to stay.

I guess I will find out soon enough.

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