
Começar do início

He sighs and holds onto my arms, guiding me to a chair. "I'll be back. Remember what I said because the gun is loaded." I keep quiet and lean back into the chair.

I hear the door close and let out a breath. What the fuck is going on? I really want to know if the girls are okay. I sit in the room for a while until someone came back in.

The person takes steps towards me and yanks the bag off of my head. I blink a few times, just to get used to the bright lights. I look up at the masked man and he laughs.

He crouches down, clears his throat and pulls the mask off his face.

"Xavier? What the fuck are you doing? Untie me right now!" He takes the gun out of his trousers and points it at me

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"Xavier? What the fuck are you doing? Untie me right now!" He takes the gun out of his trousers and points it at me. "What did I say about the yelling?" I sit still, keeping quiet.

"Let's see if your little boyfriend is gonna save you. Even though we both know it should be me and you." I scoff and laugh lightly.

"That's what this is all about? Huh? Tying me up, throwing me in a van and threatening me with a gun just because you want to be my boyfriend. Xavier, we never dated and never will. All it was between us was sex. That was it! I moved on and you got mad. What you have going on in your head is fucked up. Look at what is happening."

He stares at me, licking his lips. "You just changed up on people when you got with that nigga."

"No I didn't. YOU did. YOU keep acting up and then you get fucked up. What me and Jonathan have? You couldn't compare to. EVER!" The door opens and Liam walks in.

"What the fuck? You too? You guys are supposed to be my friends and you're pulling this shit." I throw my head back and let out a loud groan.

"Just let me the fuck go. Please." Xavier looks back at Liam and laughs. "You aren't going anywhere."

✰ ✰ ✰

It has been around three days since Xavier took me from the club and today is my birthday. What a great way to celebrate my 22nd.

Xavier trusted me enough to untie my hands but he still locked me in the room. I was allowed to watch some TV and I had to knock on the door 3 times to use the bathroom, 2 if I was hungry.

Or I'd just have to wait for one of them to come in. I wonder if anyone has tried to find me. My dad is probably going crazy. Jonathan too. The doorbell rings and I hear loads of shuffling.

The bedroom door unlocks, opens and Liam comes in pointing the gun at me. "Keep quiet." I sit up in the bed and raise my hands. "Ooh, so scary." I say sarcastically.

They both keep threatening me with it so the feeling of fear has gone out of the window. It was quiet in the bedroom due to the TV being off and Liam trying to be intimidating.

☆ DaBaby? ☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora