When Amanda got to the Target, she was careful not to get too close to them. To let Ernesto's friend follow them for some time before she made her move. Waiting for the perfect time.

He texted her a simple emoji when Olivia wandered away from Elliot to look at more types of formula while he looked at the toys.

She took her chance.

Walking up behind the brunette who was comparing two different types of formula, she grabbed her shoulder and turned her around quickly. Placing a hand over her mouth to prevent her from shouting or making any noise.

Olivia dropped both containers that were in her hands. Eyes staring widely at the blonde who stood in front of her. They were the only ones on the aisle, and at that moment Olivia regretted convincing Elliot to come to the store.

"Watch your back." Amanda huffed at her. "Don't be a stupid bitch and run your mouth. You better not tell anyone anything about me or you'll pay. Got it, bitch?"

Olivia nodded and struggled to breathe against Amanda's hand that was pressed tightly against her mouth and nose.

"Liv? Where'd you go?" Elliot asked loudly.

As soon as his voice could be heard Amanda let go of Olivia and ran off. Just as quickly as she had come she had left. Leaving Olivia standing in the empty aisle with the two containers on the floor.

"Liv, I thought we agreed no wandering." Elliot said when he walked down the aisle she was on. The closer he got the more he could see the look on her face, and he knew something was wrong. "What happened?"

"I dropped the containers." She lied and bent down to get them before standing and looking at Noah who was in the cart Elliot was pushing. "Is he okay?" she asked, trying to get the attention off of herself.

"Yeah he's good. Picked out a few toys that he seemed to really like." Elliot smiled and tickled the boys belly, earning a laugh from him. "Liv, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good." she smiled and went back to looking at formula. "I'm just going to get this one. I think that's everything."

"Okay. Let's go." he said eyeing her.


Olivia had been quiet on the entire drive back to the condo. Quietly looking out the window, absorbed in her thoughts about what had happened.

Should she tell Elliot?

Wasn't Amanda supposed to be on probation? With supervision. How could she have made it close to them without someone noticing?

Maybe she was off of it. But did Elliot know? Wouldn't he tell her if Amanda had gotten off of probation?

"Liv, we're here." he said for the second time trying to get her attention.

Elliot carried the bags while Olivia carried Noah. Into the elevator and up to the condo he was quiet, but as soon as they got inside he started getting fussy. Giving small cries and whimpers and getting louder each time Olivia tried to set him down.

"El, do you think you can fix a bottle for him?" She asked as she grabbed a diaper and headed to the room that was supposed to be for her child. "I'm going to change him."

As soon as she stepped in the room, she saw the darkness and took a shaky breath. It had been months since the last time she stepped inside the room. Now, everything was in a box in the closet. Hiding the past.

Still holding him in her arm, she opened the closet and found a blanket. Setting it down on the floor, she sat down and laid Noah on the blanket carefully before running back to the closet to grab the baby wipes.

The Beast's RageWhere stories live. Discover now