Welcome To Auradon

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Hadley's POV

After a short drive the limo was pulling to up to a large castle looking building with people waving flags in the air and we could hear music being planned from a band before the limo pulled to a complete stop and the door was opening with Carlos falling out of the limo having been fighting with Jay over stealing stuff for the last 5 minutes.

Jay climbed out after Carlos still holding onto one end of the blue scarf they were fighting over pressing his foot into his chest and us girls quickly climbed out of the car behind them as the music died down at the sight of Carlos and Jay fighting.

"Stop, you got everything else why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos demanded.

"Cause you want it" Jay growled back and I rolled my eyes.


"Give it" it was then I noticed an older woman walking towards us.

"Guys, guys, guys" I called hitting Jay's arm getting them to knock it off.

"We have an audience" Mal added and they stopped looking up.

"Just cleaning up" Jay laughed anxiously. "Get up" he pulled Carlos to his feet.

"Leave it like you found it" the old bat said and I raised an eye since she did know where we were coming from right, stealing things was our everyday of life. "And by that I mean just leave it" huh there's that good warning, Jay quickly threw the stuff he attempted to steal and quickly grabbed the cloth in Carlos' hands and threw it into the limo before the driver closed the door.

"Hello foxy" Jay suddenly said noticing the teenage girl behind the old bat. "The names Jay" she laughed anxiously.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep" the old bat cut in moving in front of the girl blocking Jay's vision. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress" my eyes widened a little since that was easy...step one find Fairy Godmother was complete.

"The Fairy Godmother?" Mal asked her. "As in 'Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo'?" she waved her hand in the air indicating a fake wand.

"Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it" Fairy Godmother smiled.

"Yeah I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand and warm smile...and that sparkly wand" I rolled my eyes since Mal was definitely trying too hard.

"That was a long time ago" Fairy Godmother smiled clearly missing it. "And I always say 'don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future'!" oh god strangle me now.

"It's so good to finally meet you all" the guy said stepping forward. "I'm Ben" my eyes widened a little since this was the future king...the reason we were here in the first place.

"Prince Benjamin" the girl Jay had flirted with quickly corrected. "Soon to be king" she gushed.

"You had me at prince" Evie gushed moving in towards Ben. "My mom's a queen which makes me a princess"

"The evil queen has no royal status here...and neither do you" the girl said and I glared at her since who the hell did she think she was.

"This is Audrey" Ben cut in after laughing an awkward laugh.

"Princess Audrey" she spoke up again holding out a finger towards Ben. "His girlfriend" I scoffed since how desperate was this king to want to be with that. "Right Benny boo?"

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow" the Fairy Godmother quickly interrupted. "The doors of wisdom are never shut!" she suddenly added making us all jump a little as she threw Ben and Audrey's joined hands in the air. "But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you may have heard I have a little thing about curfews" she added and we all chuckled politely before she walked away with the kids with shiny things followed her.

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