Chapter 3: The City Never Sleeps

Start from the beginning

Once they were done, we kept walking through the streets, and Niall told me that when we got to the hotel, we would have to be quiet walking in the room since the other guys would be asleep in the suit. After turning a few corners, we were walking towards a hotel that was too familiar. On the other side of the street was the central park, and I knew where I was.

"You're staying at the Plaza?!"  I fan girled.

"I'm guessing you're familliar with the place?" He asked

"It's only my favorite place in the world! I always dreamed of getting married here as a kid. Even just to stay here would be my dream." I gasped. He grabbed my hand, once again, and ran up the stairs, me trailng behind swiftly. We ran out of the thin cold air and we were invited by a door man, who had a shocked look on his face.

"M-Mr. Horan, aren't you supposed to be upstairs?!" The door man shrieked.

"Shh! Look, no one really needs to know I was out, do they?" Niall hushed as he slipped the man a twenty. The doorman smiled and took the bill from him. My head slowly turned towards the innards of the hotel, and then upwards to the giant chandler. Completely made out crystals, and shining through the lights like a huge star. It was a true sight to see. My mother always took me here as a kid, and I always enjoyed seeing all the weddings taking place on a daily basis. The brides were always all so beautiful, and I wanted to be one of them more than anything. The dresses, the flowers, the bridesmaids, I wanted it all. It was all in this idea of the perfect life that I thought up. 

In the midst of my thoughts, Niall shook my shoulder, and told me that we should get up to the room before the fans find out where we are. I smiled and followed Niall up the marble stairs of the plaza. We got into the elevator and Niall looked at me and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You literally look like a kid in fucking candy land right now!" He laughed. 

"D-do I really? I'm sorry, but this place is so enchanting. I have loved it since I was a girl." I explained, twisting around the old necklace around my neck. I always did when I thought of my mother, and right now she was the only one on my mind. She always expressed her love for the art in the plaza, and the architecture, and everything else about the plaza. All of it was overwhelmingly breath taking, just like she said.

"What is that?" He asked pointing to my necklace. I let out a weak smile and held the shell shaped charm in my hand. 

"It's, um, a necklace, that my mom gave me when I was little. I never take it off. It always makes me think that...she's still here." I explained.

"Still here?"

"She died two years ago in a car crash. After she died, my dad had to quit work to be there for my sister and I, but nothing was ever really...right, when she was gone. Having her necklace, well, it makes me feel like she's still here with me." I said through tears.

"Oh...Evie, I'm so sorry."

"No, i-it's fine. I-I just...I hate thinking of what it would be like if...she were here...and the worst part of it all is that she dropped me off at my dads and the last thing I ever said was 'I hate you'. Now I can never take that back." I said, now sobbing. I hated talking about my last words to her. I was a horrible person for it, and I could never take back that one last phrase. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Those will always be the last words I ever said to her that night, and it would live to haunt me for the rest of my life. The image of the look in her eyes when I said it and ran to my dads apartment would never leave my mind.

"Evie...I am so sorry." He sighed, wrapping his strong arms around me as he rocked me back and forth, and the elevator glided upwards. I held onto him and let the tears fall. 

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