7- excuse me for dropping in!

Comincia dall'inizio

without any warning, your body was flipped and slammed onto the wall, face being met with a rather strange looking man. he had turquoise eyes, dark blue, short hair, and a shaggy outfit. he was missing an ear, and his sun-kissed skin had scrapes and bruises all over. "youre this place's caretaker, right? you know where they keep their shit, right? tell me!"

you cocked an eyebrow, taking your free hand and flicking down your blue shades again. "im sorry, who are you? i dont recall mister cioccolata owning any pets other than adorable little secco, especially one as raggedy as you."

"i dont need you to know who i am, just tell me where their stash is!"

you cringed, nose scrunching up and hand covering your mouth while you spoke. "wow, you smell like shit! how about i tell you where the shower is, damn!"

insulted and frustrated, the man dug his pathetic pocket knife into your shoulder, unprepared to have it bounce right back out of your skin. "sorry, babe!" you giggled, feeling your body crystalize into a candy shield. "but that wont work on me!"

in one swift kick, you knocked the burglar to the ground with your deep blue pumps, laughing when his head ricocheted  off of the wall you slammed him into. "if you get any blood on this wall, ill do more than kill you, you sad little shit! it'll take me a life-time to get it out!"

the man winced, scrambling away from you and crawling toward the stairs for escape. "get the hell away from me!"

ignoring his pleas for mercy, Pink Floyd sent him flying down the stairs with a cry, grabbing its hat and dusting it off. It looked at you expectantly, and despite it not having eyes you could feel its gaze burning into your skin.

"yes, you did a great job!" you giggled, patting its head. "im very proud of you!"

turning to the bottom of the staircase, you stared down at the broken man with pity, forcing back a hysterical grin. you haven't pushed someone down the stairs in a long time. not since highschool, at least.

"you know, i really dont appreciate the fact that you messed up my superiors rooms! youre just making more work for me, and it was almost my break!" you growled, face contorting to an insane, erotic expression. "ah, and thanks to you, it seems im getting a little excited! you cant leave a lady hanging when you tease her, so come over here and finish the job!"

stomping down the stairs and gripping the man by his hair, you dragged the poor burglar, screaming and crying, to cioccolatas work room, your stand picking up him up and tossing him onto the hospital bed and strapping him into place. 

you clapped your hands together, plucking a fresh scalpel out of a bin and unwrapping it before tearing open the mans already tattered shirt. "what's your name, young man?"

"leonard! miss, im sorry! let me go!" he screamed, thrashing in his restraints as he cried.

laughing, you gripped his head and slammed it onto the table so it was still, scalpel slowly slicing the corner of his eye. "leonard.. what a cute name! im (y/n), nice to meet you."

your greeting was only met by painful screams that ripped out of leonards throat, tears mixing with the blood that trickled out of his eye. his throat was going hoarse from his cries that splintered into the air like a glass shattering, and his muscles were going sore from his struggling. 

"i havent heard screams like that since highschool. Nostalgic, I guess. " you mentioned, grabbing a stray drill from a side table. "it was all fun and games with that vivian bitch until she fucked us all over! ah, but its unimportant, its unimportant..."

leonard cried again, chest arching and leaning away from you as you drilled into his ribcage, grinning like a madman from the pleasure. "oh, you'd like to know? well, ive never had anything traumatic happen to me like everyone else, but my school burned down, and almost with me in it! truly a marvelous experience!"

A Pinch of Sugar | ( unita speciale x Fem!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora