Twisted Thunder Pt. 1

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"Except the other six rangers," Blake corrected.

"Yeah, right. The wind twerps could barely fight us when it was just the three of them. Cam knows next to nothing about how to counteract the Thunder Ranger powers since he's not the one who created them. The little kitty cat and her traitor of a brother are the only ones who could possibly give us a good fight," Hunter laughed, his normally blue eyes flashing crimson.

"You've got a point, bro," Blake agreed, his brown eyes flashing navy.

"I always do," Hunter bragged.

"Let's go," the crimson ranger ordered.

The Thunder Rangers began trekking towards the waterfall, but they stopped when they heard the sound of a teleportation behind them. They turned and saw the alien who had turned them evil.

"What are you doing here?" Hunter asked.

"What? No hello? Maybe a thank you?" Fidi suggested slyly.

"Thank you? For what?" Blake growled.

"Freeing you from the do-gooders," the queen replied.

"Maybe you could thank me by joining us?" she added.

Hunter shook his head.

"We work alone. You'll only get in our way," he spat.

"Consider it or you'll regret it," the queen spat back, her suggestive nature replaced with one of indifference.

"We don't regret anything," Blake responded. The brothers nodded at one another before backing up.

"What are you doing?" Queen Fidi asked, concerned.

"What we should've done when we first met," Hunter answered.

They drew back their arms and fired crimson and navy bolts of lightning at her, sending sparks up around her.

"You will pay the price, traitors," she spat before disappearing.

"Like we haven't heard that before," Blake muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Let's go," Hunter ordered, turning around and walking towards the waterfall entrance.


Sofia was thrown to the ground for the umpteenth time. She was already beginning to feel her morph waning.

"If I take one more blast like that, my suit's not going to hold," she groaned as she used her blade to climb to her feet.

"I need help," she added, raising her morpher to her helmet.

"Shane, I really hate to ask, but I need your help," the white ranger called into it.

"On my way," came the red ranger's reply.

"You just did the one thing you said you wouldn't. How stupid are you?" General Kyiv spat.

"I'm smart enough to know that Shane's gonna kick your traitorous ass," Sofia spat in return.

"Is that so?" Kyiv laughed.

Megazord Cockpit

"Can you two handle this poser?" Shane asked Tori and Dustin.

"Of course. Go," Tori assured.

"Yeah, dude. We've got this in the bag," Dustin replied.

"Great," Shane said as he jumped out of the Storm Megazord.

"Let's finish this," Tori said.

"Right," Dustin answered.

"Locked and dropped," they called together, summoning the Turtle Mace and Ram Hammer.

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