chapter seven

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Chapter Seven

Milana Fallaci

"This is hopeless!" A frustrated groan escaped her lips. She slid deeper in her seat and closed her eyes. Tears threatened to spill down her porcelain skin and Milana imagined holding a shaky knife against her chest, menacing to end it all.

It had been days since they let the hooded figure behind the scribbled writing and sloppy cursive, slip from their grasp. Since then, the daily Post-it Note reminders had disappeared and Milana was left with only the jar full of love notes. The notes dwindled to around a dozen and she gazed crestfallen at the decreasing notes as each day passed.

Somehow, she enjoyed the little mysterious notes. Milana didn't want them to fade away so soon. The notes had changed something within her. Fragments of happiness glinted in her heart, but hatred and misery still ruled the kingdom. But no matter how dark her heart was, the shards of happiness shining through made a difference.

"We'll never find the love-letter writer," she sighed heavily. "We should just give up." Milana stood up to storm off, but was interrupted. Aster seized her arm and she was yanked backward into her seat again.

"Are you seriously going to give up now?" Aster yelled, flickering her eyes to her friend. She stared at Milana with anger and strictness. Sometimes Aster scared Milana, especially when she was angry or hell-bent on figuring something out.

Milana's shoulders relaxed and she looked out the window of their school. Outside, in the schoolyard, students lingered, doing different things with their friends. The clouds covered the sunlight and the prediction of rain coming hung in the air like a secret threatening to unveil itself.

Maybe they're out there, she thought. Perhaps I was looking at them right now. Do I really want to give up when they're so close?

"I guess." Milana shrugged and with an emotionless expression on her face, she took a step farther away from Aster.

Aster shook her head. "Oh, c'mon Milana!" she groaned. "You were the one who suggested we would reveal their identity. You can't just give up now!"

Milana shot Aster an angered glare. "This isn't going to lead anywhere, Aster! We have better things to do with our time than this stupid idea."

"You never know, Lana. We should continue because maybe it could lead to something fun," she stated, pausing with hesitation before speaking once more. "Perhaps something romantic." Aster wiggled her eyebrows which caused Milana to roll her eyes.

"Yeah right," she scoffed at Aster. "I despise love, so we are definitely not going down that path like I did last time." The two exchanged sorrowful glances at the mention of Keith—the guy who Milana fell in love with only to get crushed by him months later.

Aster grabbed her hand and dragged Milana down the hallways to their lockers. Lunch was soon ending which meant that their next class was starting.

They passed tables where many students and faces Lana recognized, sat. The loud cafeteria blared in her ears as the two girls slipped into the quiet hallway, leaving the commotion of students' chatter.

In the hallway, it was empty and silent. Only the slight buzz of talking in the distance heard and it was an eerie feeling to the surroundings. Usually, the hallways of Vixen High were packed, but now, only the faded sounds of the noise that was present an hour ago hung in the air.

"Why are we leaving lunch so early?" Milana asked Aster. A puzzled look surfaced on her face. They usually left the lunchroom when the bell rang, but today, they were out of the room minutes before a school bell chimed.

Aster turned to face her but didn't stop walking. She held onto Milana's hand and never let go for a second. "We're going to see if you got a Post-it Note from Anonymous. Duh!"

Milana hesitated. She had given up on the daily reminders since they disappeared a few days ago. It's always like this, she thought. In the end, everyone gets tired of me.

"Do you think that's a good idea?" she said with uncertainty. Aster didn't respond and Milana could not stop for they had arrived at her locker.

Her eyes slowly made their way to where her locker stood, wedged between other lockers. She expected it to appear the same as it had been like for a few days now, but to her surprise, there was a small yellow sticky note on her locker surface.

"See!" Aster sent her a glare. "I told you they wouldn't give up on you!"

Milana rolled her eyes and took the note from Aster's palms. She trembled and her heart sped up at the realization that they—Anonymous—had written this.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you so excited all of a sudden? She frowned. What was going on with her? It's just a note, not a college acceptance letter.

Aster smiled and both of them read the sloppy, yet delicate writing on the sticky note. Excitement filled Milana and curiosity bubbled within her.

I see you almost caught me.

I should've known that you were a curious one.

Too bad your friend couldn't outrun me. ;)

"Hey!" Aster suddenly exclaimed. She was frustrated at the anonymous love-note writer and Milana laughed. Aster was a competitive person, so not accomplishing something made her agitated.

However, since you want to uncover my identity,

perhaps I can help you.

I'll give you clues each day that will help you find me.

Clue #1: I'm not just a random student attending Vixen High.

In fact, I'm closer than you think.

See you in English class,

❤ anonymous 


hi again! I'm trying to juggle writing this book (in which I am six chapters away from completing) and schoolwork at the same time so sorry for updating inconsistently. looks like we got a new clue! what are your theories about who Anonymous is? sending lots of love <3

word count: 944

total word count: 13,923

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