chapter two

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Chapter Two

Milana Fallaci

Twenty-hours later, Milana found herself standing in front of her tattered locker once again. Students bustled around her and she sighed heavily. Aster wasn't here yet, so she would have to head to their shared Literature class by herself if she wasn't going to arrive in the next five minutes. Milana loathed the idea of being alone. When she was solitary, her anxiety only increased more, but she tried her best to occupy herself with various activities. 

One hundred and five days since her passing. Milana glanced at the date on her home screen in misery. And another boring school day. 

Time flew by so quickly, yet all so slow. It felt like Rue had died just yesterday. The pain still felt the same as the day, one hundred five days ago, felt like. Her heart wrenched and she opened her locker sluggishly. 

Every day felt the same since her mother's departure. Get up, skip breakfast, run until she collapsed, go to school, do homework, go to sleep, repeat. At least when Rue was alive, each twenty-four hours was an adventure. One day Milana would awake to the smell of pancakes and an angelic song sung by her dear mother. Another, they'd randomly decide to go to the local ice cream store to get ice cream in December. 

Rue was Milana's light and without her mother, she was lost. 

Opening her locker, Milana expected everything to be the same, but as she grabbed her books for the day, her fingers stopped at a jar of folded notes. Milana frowned. She didn't remember putting a jar in her locker. 

She looked around to check if anyone else had gotten this jar, wondering if the school had surprised them with a present. They did that sometimes. When she didn't see any other student discovering a clear jar full of wrinkled notes, she gazed down at the glass container in her hands. 

A red string was wrapped around the jar and a pink note that seemed to have been cut from flashcard paper was attached to the string. There was something written on the pink paper. 

Written in black ink, Milana slowly read the note. 

You do not know, 

who placed this here, 

but I do know you shall not fear,

read these notes,

once a day,

and perhaps I'll put a smile,

across that sombered face of grey.


Milana was confused and startled. Who had placed this jar in her locker? Was it Aster? She shrugged, opening the jar to pull out a crinkled piece of paper as the directions stated she should. Opening the note, she read the lovely cursive silently to herself. 

Your voice is like an angel's song, 

your eyes are glimmering crystals, 

nothing that you do is wrong,

everything shall be blissful,

you're perfect just the way you are.


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