chapter six

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Chapter Six

Milana Fallaci

It had been three days since Aster and Milana had found the love note writer. It had also been three days since Aster and Milana lost them.

Even if the identity of the writer was still faceless and the whole idea of figuring out who lied behind the writing made her hesitant, Milana felt happier. The jar of love notes had impacted her in a way she could not put down with words. It was an indescribable feeling—the fluttering of her heart when she read the cursive, the air sucked out of her lungs, and the distant smiles tilting on her lips.

Something had changed.

The cafeteria of Vixen High was noisy as per usual. Students sat, hunched, around their little table and group of friends. The afternoon clouds covered the sun that day, leaving a dim light around the room. It irritated Milana's eyes. There was something that she despised more than love and that was cloudy weather. Milana didn't want to feel the sorrow she felt in her heart each day and the sunny weather and blue skies were a bandage to her wounds. Nicer weather made her slightly happier. Even if it was such a tiny change, it made a big improvement.

However, today was one of those days—the cloudy ones.

Aster sat beside her at their usual table. Her feet were up on the surface and Milana stared down. The two were complete opposites. While Aster was the outgoing, trouble-making one, Milana was the quieter, safer one. They had known each other since elementary school and since the little incident, which included a pie thrown on Milana's face and Aster being sent to the principal's office, they had been inseparable.

Students around them bustled about, laughing and screaming out in jubilation. Milana would rather be in the noiseless library with a good book than being surrounded by thunderous environments. She'd trade the tumultuous roar of chatter with faint whispers any day.

"Aren't you silent today," Aster announced. She bit into her apple, sending Milana a smug smile.

"Sorry." Milana's cheeks flushed to red. "I've been in my head a lot, haven't I?"

Aster rolled her eyes. "No shit, Sherlock."

Milana hadn't noticed how zoned out she had been these past few days. It was only now that she realized how much she daydreamed. Ever since the jar of love notes had appeared in her locker, she was more distant than usual.

This isn't like me. She thought. What happened to the girl who ran from her thoughts and feelings? Why was I surrounding myself in them now?

"You're at war with your mind about your feelings for this Anonymous, am I right?" Aster smirked and nudged her friend's shoulder.

Milana shook her head. "Feelings? Please, I don't even know them," she scoffed though deep within her she wasn't so sure. Was it even possible to fall in love with someone that's a faceless figure in your dreams?

Aster didn't believe her friend, but she let it slide. "How are you feeling about Keith joining our class?" She asked, changing the subject.

Milana sighed heavily, shoulders slumping and muscles relaxing. It had been a few days since she had strolled into class spotting him sitting at a desk, and very few conversations had been shared between the two. She didn't know what to feel. Before, she despised him, but now her brain was a tangled mess. Though, she knew for sure that he wasn't getting off her 'hate list' so fast.

"In all honesty," she said. "I don't know." 


short chapter today! Milana seems to be changing her opinion on a lot of things, including Keith, Anonymous, and so much more. how was this chapter? sending lots of love <3

word count: 594

total word count: 12,979

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