"Colbs can we stop there?" I say pointing at a gas station "why?" he asks furrowing his brows "cause I have to pee" he chuckles "sure" I smile and he turns into the parking lot "oh can we also get snacks and watch a movie when we get back?" I ask unbuckling "of course" he says with a small smile I cheer and we get out of the car and I rush to his side grabbing his hand and he squeezes my hand. He opens the door for me and I go in still holding his hand and he walks in behind me and we go to the bathrooms "I'll be by the snacks" he says I hum and go on my tippy toes pecking my lips he smiles and I go into the bathroom.


After Sam goes into the bathroom I walk away going to the medicine aisle. I go in the aisle and look on the shelf and smirk seeing what I'm looking for and take it off the shelf and I head to the front I put it on the counter "viagra?" the guy says with a soft chuckle scanning it I hum taking out my wallet taking out my money and give it to him "have fun" he says when I take it "I will" I say walking away putting it in my back pocket.
I go to the snack section grabbing m&ms and a gummy bears to make it look like I was here the whole time and Sam comes here seconds later "oooo" he says seeing what I have I chuckle and we grab more snacks. "Ok I think that's enough" Sam says "you think" I say since we have a lot he giggles "can we also get ice cream?" he asks "no" he pouts "you'll get Starbucks, and there's some at my house, ok?" he nods "ok" he repeats and I peck his lips "c'mon" he nods and we go to the front. We put the snacks on the counter and the guy starts scanning them and I wrap my arm around Sam's waist and he leans into me. The guy hands me the bag and I take "you got a good one" he says winking I chuckle giving him the money "have fun" he says as we walk out "we will" I say and Sam's looks up at me confused "what is he talking about?" I chuckle "I dunno" he giggles and we get into the car.
I get to Starbucks and I park in the parking lot "go through the drive thru" he says "I have to pee" "why didn't you go at the gas station!?" he exclaims "I didn't have to go then" "bu- ugh whatever" I chuckle "what do you want?" I ask "pink drink" "ok, I'll be back" he nods and leans over kissing me I smile pecking his lips once more before getting out. I go inside and go to the front "what can I get for ya?" the lady asks "um a pink drink and a water" she nods "alright anything else?" I shake my head "that'll be all" she hums "ok, it'll be done soon" I nod and she walks away and I go on my phone while I wait. Soon she comes back "here you go" "thank you, also can I get a spoon and a zip block bag?" she furrows her brows "a spoon.. and a bag?" I nod "why..?" she asks confused "um.. I need to crush a pill for my boyfriend and he'll only take it if it's mixed in water" I lie she hums "ok I'll bring them out" I nod and she goes into the back again. "Here you are" "thank you" she nods and I go to a table and set the things down taking the viagra out of my pocket taking out the two pills putting them in the bag and I crush them with the spoon. I open the cup and pour the powder in mixing it up until it dissolves. I throw away the trash giving the lady the spoon back and I leave going into the car "yay! thank you!" he cheers taking his drink "your welcome" I say starting the car. I look over at Sam and he's mindlessly drinking it while scrolling through instagram "is it good?" I ask drinking the water "yep!" I hum "want some?" he asks holding it out to me "I'm good" he looks at me suspiciously I chuckle looking back at the road as I drink the water "did you do something to it!?" he asks "baby how would I do something to your drink?" I ask "Colbs I'm serious" I chuckle "maybe" "Colby!" he yells "I'm joking baby" "I don't believe you!" I hum "I didn't make it baby and I don't have anything to put in it" I say and he huffs "does it taste normal?" I ask "yeah" I hum stopping at a red light "I still don't believe you" "well I didn't do anything" I say looking at him "then drink some" I shake my head "you did!" he exclaims I shake my head taking it from him pretending to drink some "see it's fine" I say giving it to him and he stares at me for a second "ok.." he says suspiciously I chuckle and grab his chin kissing him "I love you" I say grabbing his hand starting to drive again "I love you too"

We're halfway home and he's starting to shift in his seat "you ok baby?" I ask with a small smirk "hm? oh yeah I'm fine" I hum "you sure?" "I promise Colbs" I nod kissing the back of his hand "are we almost there?" he asks I hum "about 20 minutes" he whines quietly "ok" I chuckle squeezing his hand. I let go of his hand resting my hand on his thigh and he moves my hand to his inner thigh close to his crotch and I chuckle quietly knowing it's kicking in more and I move my hand back he whines and unbuckles "what are you doing?" I ask but he doesn't answer and moves straddling my lap "baby get back in your seat" he goes to my neck leaving open mouth kisses "baby-" he cuts me off my kissing me but I pull away "get in your seat" I say stern "no" he says kissing my neck again "now" I say stern he huffs and gets back into his seat buckling up "what were you doing?" I ask grabbing his hand "nothing" he mumbles "I'm driving, silly I could've crashed" he nods "I know... I'm sorry" I hum and he brings our hands up putting my hand against his cheek nuzzling into it "I love you" I hum and stop at a stop sign and let go of his hand grabbing his chin having him look at me and he smiles "are you sure your ok baby? your acting off" I say and he hums "I'm fine Colbs, I dont know what your talking about" I hum "are you sure?" "yes Colbs, keep driving I wanna cuddle" I hum pecking his lips a couple times and he smiles leaning in for another I chuckle pecking his lips once more starting to drive again. I hear his buckle click and I look over to see him getting into my lap again "baby stay in your seat" he whines nuzzling his head in my neck "baby" I say he whines going closer to me "closer" he whines "go in your seat baby we'll cuddle when we get back" he whines "noo" I sigh rubbing his back "ok, you can stay just don't do anything" he nods against my neck and I continue driving home.

Stop Being A Tease {Completed}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora