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I wake up feeling cold and I go to cuddle into Colby only to have a pain shoot through my back making me hiss in pain "oh baby," Colby says wrapping his arms around me "it's ok" he says rubbing my lower back I whine nuzzling my head in his chest "it hurts" I whine "I know baby, I know" he says with a soft voice kissing my head I let out a small sigh and snuggle into him wincing a little. After a bit of silence he speaks up "wanna take a shower?" I look up at him "how it hurts to get up" I say he hums "I'll help" he says sitting up making me whine he chuckles and stands up "c'mere" he says and I holds out my arms and he picks me up and I wrap around him a small whimper escaping my lips "shhh" he says rubbing my lower back as he starts walking to the bathroom. He goes in and puts me on the counter "Colby!" I gasp lifting my self up so my butt is off the counter "what?" he asks confused "it's cold!" I exclaim he chuckles "sorry" he says kissing my cheek and going to turn on the shower. He picks me up again and puts me in the shower "I'm gonna get our clothes" he says pressing a kiss to my forehead before walking out of the bathroom. I stand under the water rising my hair as I wait for Colby to get in here. Arms wrap around me and I turn around facing him and he moves me out from the water switching places with me "heyyyy it's cold" I whine he chuckles grabbing the shampoo putting some on my head I giggle and he smiles. I hug him as he massages the shampoo through my hair "I love you" I mumble nuzzling my head I'm his chest "I love you too baby" he says I look up at him going on my tippy toes and kissing him we pull away and we finish the shower.

We get out and dry ourselves off and I smile seeing Colby brought one of his hoodies for me to wear and I put it on and it goes mid thigh "what time is it?" I ask following him out of the bathroom with a limp "I dunno 6 maybe" he says I nod crawling into bed "baby we gotta change the sheets" I whine holding my arms out to him he chuckles picking me up putting me on my desk chair and he picks up our clothes off the floor we were wearing earlier today and then changes the sheets. I get up and crawl into bed when he puts the pillows on and he shakes his head and puts the blanket over me I giggle snuggling into it. He gets in besides me and pulls me close and I put my leg over him wincing slightly and he turns on netflix.
My phone starts ringing and I whine Colby chuckles and reaches over grabbing my phone "it's your mom" he says giving it to me I huff and take it answering it "hey Sam, is Colby still there?" she asks "yeah, why?" I ask "ok, do you guys want pizza for dinner?" she asks and I look at Colby "want pizza?" I ask him "yeah" I hum "yeah" I repeat to her "what kind?" "pepperoni" I say knowing Colby likes that kind "alright, we'll be home in an hour" she says "ok" we say bye and I hang up cuddling back into Colby and he wraps his arms around me and we cuddle watching netflix.
My bedroom door swings open and me and Colby look over seeing my mom "you said you'd be home in an hour" I say confused since it's only been 20 minutes she shrugs "come eat" she says walking out I roll my eyes and slowly sit up "your gonna have to hide the limp from them or make up a lie" he says standing up I sigh "I know" I mumble getting up wincing in the process. We go downstairs and into the kitchen and I let out a small breath of relief when they aren't in there and I sit in the chair. Colby brings the box of pizza over sitting on the chair across from me and I grab a slice taking a bite and we talk. My mom walks in looking at us suspiciously and I furrow my brows as she walks out not saying anything "wh-" "oh shit" Colby says cutting me off "what?" I ask confused looking at him "hickeys" is all he says and my eyes go wide "is-is it bad?" I ask nervously "uh yeah" he says and reaches over moving the hoodie so it covers up my neck without looking wierd "ok, hopefully she doesn't say anything" he says "what about you? you have some too" I say "I'll be back" he says getting up I nod and he goes back up to my room. My dad walks in "where's Colby?" he asks going into the fridge "getting a hoodie, he got cold" I say he hums coming over grabbing a slice of pizza then walking out and I overhear them talking "well?" my mom asks "I didn't see any" my dad says "but I know I saw them!" she exclaims "are you sure?" "Kirk I know there was!" she yells frustratedly "ok, calm down, even if there was just leave it he's old enough to do those things" he says "but he's with Colby" she says "ok?" he says confused not seeing the problem "he's lying to me kirk" I hear him sigh "why hasn't he told me yet?" she asks upset "I know they're dating, earlier I walked in and they were kissing so I played it off like I didn't see them and pretended I just got there and they lied when I asked" she says clearly upset and I sigh "it's not a big deal hon, they'll tell us soon, you know Colby's been straight and probably is afraid of what people will think when he comes out" he says and I sigh and stop listening to them seeing that Colby is now here on his phone.

"Colbs" he him looking up at me "my mom knows we're dating she walked in on us kissing earlier pretending she didn't see it" I tell him and he furrows his brows "she just told my dad just now and she's upset we're not telling her" I say and he sighs "is it true?" I ask and he furrows his brows "is what true?" "that you don't wanna tell people about us cause your scared of what people will think" I say and he sighs staying quiet. I get up and sit in his lap hugging him "I'm sorry baby" he mumbles nuzzling his head in my neck "it's ok Colbs, I get it, but no one's gonna judge you" I say "I know" he mumbles and pulls away looking at me "than what's wrong?" I ask "what about my parents?" he asks he asks his eyes filling with tears I frown and cup his cheek "I'm sure they wouldn't mind" I say wiping his tears "how do you know?" he asks "Colbs, your parents are chill, they probably won't care" he nods pulling me in a hug nuzzling his head in my neck and I put one of my hands on the back of his head scratching it gently "it's ok Colbs" I say and he holds me tighter. He pulls away putting his head against mine "we can tell your parents, then mine later?" he asks I hum "do you want to?" I ask and he nods "ok, what about our friends?" I ask he shakes his head "let's not talk them, I wanna keep it a secret from them" he says I hum and peck his lips and he stands up putting me down and we walk to their room. I knock on the door "come in" I open the door and my mom is crying a little "oh, is now a good time?" I ask "yeah.. what's up?" my mom asks wiping her tears I look up at Colby and he nods "uh well we're dating" I say and my mom gasps getting up and hugging me and I hold in a wince hugging her back. She pulls away and Colby comes over grabbing my hand I smile and hug him from the side and he wraps his arm around me rubbing my back "that means you cant-" my mom starts getting cut off by my dad "no it doesn't Cindy, let them have their privacy and stop being strict with them" he says seriously I giggle looking up at Colby and he smiles leaning down and pecking my lips "why don't you guys go to bed" my dad says I nod "leave the door-" "you can lock it if you'd like" my dad says cutting her off "but-" "Cindy, they've clearly already done it" he says cutting her off again and I blush deeply Colby chuckles picking me up making me squeak in surprise and I wrap around him "goodnight" I say when Colby walks away "goodnight" my dad says as he closes the door when we get out.

He gets up to my room and he sits me on the bed "I'm glad they won't be strict anymore" he says going back to the door locking it "yeah I know" I say laying down pulling the covers over me. He takes off his hoodie and gets in besides me pulling me close "do you wanna tell your parents tomorrow? and I can stay the night after?" I ask and he sighs "Colbs they won't be mad" I say and he hums pulling me close "yes or no?" I ask snuggling into him "I guess so, I have to tell them sooner or later" I hum putting my leg over him. I look up at him and lean up pecking his lips and he smiles "I love you baby" he says caressing my cheek "I love you too" I say and he smiles connecting our lips again and we jump apart when there is a loud knock at the door "what!?" I call "what are you doing!?" my mom calls I giggle snuggling into Colby "cuddling!" I call back "then why is the door locked!?" Colby chuckles running his fingers through my hair "so you don't barge in like you always do!" I say and I hear her huff "unlock it!" "dad said it can be locked!" I say "well I'm saying to unlock it!" "dad!!" I yell so he can hear me "Cindy leave them alone!" he yells and I hear her huff and walk away I giggle and cuddle into Colby and he tightens his grip around me "I love you" he says pulling me on top of him I smile and peck his lips "I love you too" I say and he pecks my lips I smile pecking his lips and he does it back and I do it again he smiles connecting our lips for a passionate kiss I giggle a little and kiss him back. We pull away and I nuzzle my head in his chest and he wraps his arms around me securely "goodnight baby" he whispers laying his head on mine "goodnight" I mumble nuzzling my head further in his neck and I slowly fall asleep.

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