We got ready for our next mission. I got into my uniform and then so did Bucky and Steve. The other guys had gotten ready earlier in the day. We had decided we were going to leave at night for this mission.

This mission didn't last very long as we got tips to where they're supply trucks where.  We hid behind some bushes as we waited for the truck. When one of the men saw it he whistled causing one of the others to grab a bomb and run out of the woods.

Dernier runs through the woods, with a bomb tucked under his arm.Parallel to him, a Hydra supply truck races along a road.Dernier rolls under the supply truck. He magnets the bomb tothe bottom of the vehicle as it roars over him. He jumps tohis feet in time to see the supply truck explode.

We came back and we had entered the base. Peggy and Phillips had made some films of us as we would pack our bags and mark our maps.

It got to a scene with me and Bucky next to each other with Steve on the other side of the car. Before the camera skimmed to him it had caught me and Bucky kissing. As the camera skimmed to Steve he got out his fathers old compass. At the top of the compass he had taped a picture of Peggy in it.

I watched as Phillips turned to look at Peggy. She was blushing. Steve was as well.

At our next mission in Poland, Bucky was placed as sniper because he had the best gun skills of the group. He scope whips his scope to see a Hydra gunman aiming at Steve and I. The sniper falls. Steve and I look to Bucky and give him a thumb's up. Bucky grins behind the gun. 

I once again go in and fight my way through the base. I try to find any information on any more bases. We had them all marked, except the main base. I found a map to the main base and stuffed it into my boots. I set some bombs and ran out of the building as it exploded.

Peggy takes down another Nazi flag.

We take down at least five more bases after that one. We got word the Hydra would be transferring Zola to the main base by train. Phillips wanted us to go and capture him.

We had about two weeks to prepare. Bucky, Steve, Jones and I would be the ones to go on the train. The others would wait behind. With that we got ready.

I'm sorry for the short chapter. I wanted the train scene to be its own chapter.

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