Bucky got into his uniform. His was the only uniform that matched me and Steve's. He had a navy blue coat that buttoned on both sides. It was very stylish. He had an over the shoulder gun holster facing backwards because he had a faster draw with his left hand. He had some small bags on his belt to hold some other gadgets and extra magazines for his gun. He wore dark brown paratrooper pants because of the pockets on the side, and he wears dark brown army paratroopers boots. He kept his dog tags from his original uniform.

The other men didn't have as interesting as outfits as Bucky's but they were mostly the same. Just different in color.

I grabbed my weapons and put them into the inside pockets of my boots Stark had added. I packed all my stuff into the cars and motorcycles we'd be taking. I loaded my gun and put it in my holster. I locked my lips with Bucky. I got onto my shared motorcycle with him and we took off.

The first base we went to was the one in France. Me and Steve busted open the door. Everyone else started firing there guns. I threw my knives and then clicked the button. To my surprise they were also magnetic and shot back into my hands as soon as I let go of the button. 

Steve used his shield to deflect the rest of the bullets as I threw my knives again. Bucky stood beside me and shot anyone that fired at me. We went into the base once we were done with the guards out side. 

We had to fight even more guards. They had the weapons that had the blue glowing stuff in them. They failed to use them to protect themselves. People with regular guns kept firing at us as we ran through the base. 

I hid behind a stack of boxes. Some of the Hydra soldiers came running towards Bucky. I threw my knives at some of them and then pressed the button. The knives shot back.

I went further into the base to see if we could get some information on where the main Hydra base was. We didn't find much.  Bucky led the Howling Commandos back out of the base as I set some bombs.

I ran and jumped out the window and rolled to protect my body as the building exploded. I ducked out of the way from the debris. I got up and ran to catch up with the men. I jumped onto the back of the motorcycle Bucky was on.

It seemed we had missed some Hydra soldiers so I jumped off of the motorcycle and threw my knives at some of the men. I had to do hand-to-hand combat with the rest of the men. I pressed the button and the knives came back to me. 

I threw the rest of the knives at the rest of the standing men that stared at me as I took down at least 30 soldiers by myself before returning back to the howling commandos. They had stopped a little further ahead of me.

"Damn, girl." Dum Dum said as I jumped back onto the motorcycle.

"Thanks, Wasn't to hard. They were wimps." I said shocking Dum Dum that I actually answered,

"Ah, she's warming up to you men." Bucky said as I gave him a quick kiss on the check. This first mission was in 1943 but there were so many bases left I thought it might take years to get this finished.

When we got back to base I had relayed the information I had found. I didn't find much on the main Hydra base but I had found at least three more bases we didn't have marked. They marked them on the map and put down new Hydra base figures with Nazi flags as they removed the one from the base we just took down. 

I counted at least eight more bases we needed to take down. We would take breaks from one week to a month to regroup and gain more energy.

We took down base number two in the winter. I had seen there were Hydra agents hiding in the trees and threw my knives at the one's I could get. Steve threw his shield at the rest. I Pushed the button and the soldiers fell to the ground along with the ones Steve took out.

"What the." I heard Bucky say as he ran up to me. We had alerted the rest of the Hydra agents in the area. They blew up some of their supply trucks and started shooting at us. I used my knives most of the time so I just carried around my gun for anyone that ran out of ammo.

The Hydra soldier had placed bombs under the ground and would detonate them when we ran near them. None of us got hurt. The boys would fire there guns and I would throw my knives. I got exceptionally good at it. I would always make sure all of my knives had hit my targets before I would press my button.

We always ran towards the fight. Never away from it. We held courage and bravery. We trusted each other. I jumped back on the motorcycle after this mission was over.

"Nice job boys. We're taking these bases down like they are nothing." I said confidently.

"Don't get to cocky, doll." Bucky said as he leaned in for a kiss.

"This girl just get's more and more talkative everyday." Jones said as we headed back.

We had a new mission next week so we got back and settled down. Bucky and I went to our new shared bunk with the howling commandos and Steve. We set down our stuff and headed back out to have some fun with the howling commandos.

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