I was taken out of my thoughts when we started getting shot at. Steve stood up and grabbed my wrist.

"Get back here! we're taking you all the way in!" Peggy shouted as Steve opened the plane door after we put on our parachute.

"As soon as we're clear, you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!" Steve said.

"You can't give me orders!" Peggy screamed. 

"Ya I can. I'm a captain." Steve says jokingly.  He then launches himself off the plane. I followed after giving Peggy a hug. After I pulled my parachute cord, I watched as they turned there plane back around. 

Me and Steve walked through the woods. We heard approaching cars. Once they got to where we could jump onto the back one with out being noticed we ran and jumped in. Knocking out the two guards that were back there and throwing them out the back. We rode the rest of the way into the base.

Once we parked, Steve got in front of me with his shield. A hydra soldier opened the back of the tent on the car and Steve wacked him with the shield, sending him flying backwards. 

We silently jumped out and ran to where everyone was. We stayed hidden as we jumped and ran towards the big building standing in front of us. When we got to the door Steve quietly tapped on the door so only one person would hear us. 

When the man opened the door, I slammed it on his head and then punched him. We pulled him from the doorway and we walked in silently closing the door after us. We once again snuck around so we wouldn't be seen. We came across a table with glowing blue and metal things. Me and Steve both picked one up for Stark.

We walked till we found a dark room. I suspected they'd be in there. When we got in there we only saw about three hydra soldiers. I took the first two out. Steve took out the last one right on top one of the cages of people. I silently dropped down next to him, earning a frightened look from the men. Steve grabbed the keys.

"Who are you supposed to be?" one of the men asked. 

"I'm Captain America. This is Lady Victory." Steve said pointing at me.

"I beg your pardon?" one of the men said very confused as we ran down to the next level and unlocked there cages.

"What, are we taking everybody?" another man says.

"I'm from Fresno, Ace." Another man said to him.

"Is there anybody else? I'm looking for a Sergeant Barnes." Steve said.

"There's an isolation ward in the factory, but no one's ever come back from it." A man says in response.

"All right, The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate. Lady Victory over here will take you back. Get out fast and give them hell. I'll meet you guys in the clearing with anybody else I find." Steve said. I wanted to help him find Bucky but I knew he wasn't going to let me.

"Wait, Do you know what you're doing?" a man behind me asked.

"Yeah, I've knocked out Adolf Hitler over 200 times." Steve said. I let out a little laugh scaring the men. I watched as he ran down the hallway. I lead the mean back outside. Most of them went for the peoples guns or for the tanks. 

I just started throwing my knives at anyone who came towards me. I would pull them out as quickly as I threw them. I was quite good at it too, I surprised my self and certainly surprised some of the men to.  I watched as one of the men picked up a weapon that was glowing blue. I tried to warn them but they couldn't hear me as they were to focused. 

"You know how to use that thing?" A man asked as his friend powered up the weapon. he accidentally shot it at the wall. "Okay" the man says being quite surprised as he watched the wall explode.

Next thing I know there was an alarm sounding. Two of the men who had introduced themselves to me as I led them out were sitting in one of the tanks.

"Hey, not exactly a Buick" Dum Dum said as jones climbed in.

"That one 'Zundung.'" Jones said as he pointed to it.

"Zundung?" Dum Dum asked as Jones pushed the button causing the machine to roar to life. "You speak German?" 

"Three semesters at Howard. Then Iswitched to French. Girls much cuter." Jones said. 

"I didn't ask for a resume." Dum Dum said. He started driving and I jumped on, then I jumped into the tank scaring the men inside. "Hell girl." Dum Dum said. I looked up and watched the man on top destroy everything he could. 

Our troops also stormed the inside trying there best to kill of as many Hydra soldiers as they could. Then they got out of the building as fast as they could and grabbed everything we could.  Then we meet up at the clearing point. Now all we had to wait for was Steve and hopefully Bucky.

"Hey, your hair is cool, how's it do that?" Dum Dum asked me, I gave him a look and sat down. "You don't talk much do you?"

 I sat in a spot where I could see as much as I could. I watched as the building burst into flames. My heart broke a little, but I didn't let any tears fall. We waited a little longer for Steve to come out. 

We waited for about 15 more minutes, I looked and saw Steve. He had someone with him. It was Bucky. I grabbed the necklace around my neck and opened the locket. Jones was behind me, he took a glance at the picture. "Is that Sergeant Barnes?" he asked while looking at me. I nodded my head.

"You've got to be kidding me." I heard Bucky say as he talked to Steve. "She's here to. You promised to keep her safe."

"Oh she's safe. Probably more than I am at this point." Steve said as they walked up to the group.

"Don't worry Barnes, She can handle herself." Jones said while looking at Bucky.

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He pulled me aside.

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