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I kissed him. Shit I actually just did that. Oh god why'd I do that. To my surprise he kissed back. Steve walked into the room. "Oh god, warning next time." He said bringing me and Bucky back to reality. "Omg. I'm so sorry Steve." I said while laughing. Steve eventually walked out of the room and went to my borrowed room. 

I went back to doing my stitches when I was caught off guard by lips. He kissed me again. I didn't really mind it but I was trying to fix my cut.  I pulled back after a couple seconds and made a motion towards the cut on my wrist. He nodded slowly and walked out of the bathroom towards Steve's room.


"Steve, I really like her." I said walking into Steve's room. "That's quite obvious." he said while chuckling. "I'm not joking." I said with a serious tone. I walked into the borrowed room that Rose was using. I had an idea. " Hey, Mrs. Rodgers." I said hoping she could hear me. "Yes Bucky?" she said walking into the room. "Rose dosent have a perminent place to stay. Would you mind her living here?" I asked. "Of corse she can stay here. I was actually just going to sugust that. I'll go out and get her some new stuff for her room." Mrs. Rodgers said. "That's great, Her favorite colors are red, orange, blue and grey by the way." I stated before she walked out of the room to grab her keys.

"Kids I'm going to the store. I'll be back in about an hour." Mrs. Rodgers had stated. We all replied back with ok. I walked pass the bathroom and her Rose singing. I stopped and slid down the wall and landed on the floor. Motioning towards Steve to come and listen. He sat next to me. We listened as she continued the song.

                                                                                                                              Your probably with that blonde girl
                                                                                                                                           Who always made me doubt
                                                                                                                                           She's so much older than me
                                                                                                                             She's everything I'm insecure about
                                                                                                                   Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs                                                                                                                Cause how could I ever love someone else?

                                                                                                                                       And I know we weren't perfect                                                                                                                            But I've never felt this way for no one
                                                                                                                                                      And I just can't imagine
                                                                                                          How you could be so okay now that I'm gone
                                                                        Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
                                                                                 Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street

She sounded amazing. I had never heard that sing before though. I wonder what it was. We heard the door knob turn and we both sprang to our feet and bolted. I went to the kitchen and started making some lunch for us. She came out of the bathroom. She had done quite a good job on her stitches for her cut on her arm. She walked passed me and winked as she headed towards the couch. 


Steve came out of his room after I sat on the couch. "Shit, I just spilt the food I made." Bucky said as he rolled his eyes. Just from instinct I sprang up and ran to help him. "Rose. Got sit down it's fine." Bucky said. "sorry instinct." I said as I headed back to the couch. "Why don't we take her to that diner you love so much Buck." Steve said. 

Bucky jumped to his feet, ran over to me and took my hand. I took that as a yes and so did Steve. We went out and called a cab. Steve got in first, I sat in the middle this time and Bucky sat next to me. I looked over after about 5 minutes and Steve was fast asleep on the door. I was also quite tired from our adventures.

I went to lay my head on Bucky's shoulder but before I could he turned and looked at me. "What was the song you were singing earlier?" he asked. "Oh, that was a song my mom used to sing to me when I was sad. It always cheered me up then, but not so much now." I said. "It was beautiful, and so was your voice." he said. I didn't say anything else after that. I just laid my head on his shoulder. He turned and kissed the side of my head. He went in for another kiss but this time I turned so he would hit my lips, I caught him off guard.

I put my head back down on his shoulder. I woke up about 10 minutes later. I had noticed we weren't at a diner. but we were back home. "I went in and got take out, you and Steve were passed out. Didn't want to wake you. your to cute when you sleep." Bucky said.

When we got inside Bucky set down the food and me and Steve sat down at the table. We were exhausted. We ate our food. "I'm gonna go take a nap. Is that ok?" I said. Steve also wanted to take a nap so he headed to his room. "I'm coming with you." Bucky said. I said ok as I winked and started walking to my room. I noticed my room was different. It had new sheets and a new bedspread. Mrs. Rodgers had redone my room while we were out.

I walked out and thanked her and went back to my room. Bucky was already in the bed waiting for me. I laughed and jumped into bed with him. I closed my eyes and quickly feel asleep. The nightmares had started again.

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