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They pull Steve out. But for me they let me stay for a second. The scars grew bigger when my muscles did. Even though they didn't grow much bigger. I also grew taller. I was around 5'1" but now I am around 5'10". They eventually helped me out of the machine and rested me on Peggy. My light Blonde hair had a tint of red added to the bottom. I was hoping the scars would be smaller or at least less noticeable now. 

"They got worse didn't they?" I asked her. She knew what happened. I had told her why I always flinched when I was yelled at by Phillips.

"Ya, but it's ok Rose. They look beautiful. Really." She said back. I didn't know what she meant by it until I looked down. The scars had turned a beautiful shade of pink. I could willingly look at them now without seeing the ugliness of them.

Peggy brings us our new clothes. They had gotten us new sizes of clothes. They had to guess, they were correct on mine but Steve's were still a little to small for him. A man with glasses enters the lab. Across the room, he grabs the last bottle of the unused serum. He clicks open a light and pushes a button. I saw Erskine's eyes go big. And a big explosion goes off. Erskine goes to stop the man but he pulled out a gun and shot Dr. Erskine before he could get close enough, he collapsed to the floor.

Steve went over to help him and I bolted out the door towards the man. Peggy followed. And Steve straggled behind after tending to Dr. Erskine, but Erskine had died. 

Kruger races outside to find his colleagues waiting for him.  I raced out after him. Only to stop and watch the scene that is unfolding in front of me.

"I have it. Get the car! Schnell!" The man yells.

The man and the other two men he came with sprint for Brandt's motorcade.Two other men I had seen earlier drew guns on the man. They open fire, nailing one of the other men. The man and hisremaining colleague get into the car and drive. The guards fire, blowing out thecar's windows. Kruger fires the submachine gun out theshattered window, killing one of the men firing at them. 

I watched as Peggy came running out of the building. I hadn't noticed I had gotten faster but I had. The car speeds away as Peggy rushes into the street. she draws a gun on the receding car. The back window shatters. the driver's head smacks into the steering wheel, a bullet in his brain. The guy with the serum hangs on as he leans toward a parked car. 

A taxi squeals up. The cab driver runs to the wreck. The man hauls himself from the wreck and jumps into the cab.The driver looks up to see the man driving away. Gunleveled, Peggy advances down the street. The man aims the cabat Peggy. She stands her ground, squeezing off shots. The car keeps coming.Just then, I leap through the flaming wreckage  and tackle Peggy out of the way. The car fishtails around thebend. Peggy shoves at me. "Hey I had him." She screams.

I apologize before I quickly jump back onto my feet and chase after the car. Peggy watched in amazement as my hair started turning different shades of red. The man skids around a corner. I run into an alley taking a short cut. I could hear Steve running down the same way as me. I was faster then him, he didn't catch up. I spot the man racing past the mouth of the alley. Steve and I see the car, gradually we started to pick up more speed. We turn down the street. Steve had gotten a little to excited and had tripped into a store window.

I didn't wait for him. I race between lanes of traffic as I try to catch up to the car. I ran right at an old mans car as I got close to the man. I jumped onto the old mans car using it as a ramp and landing onto the other mans car. The man pulls his gun out and starts trying to shoot me. I duck, clinging on to the side of the car, Steve not to far behind me. We swerve through the streets as I try to stop the man. 

We were headed straight to a truck coming right at us. We hit the car and the one I'm on starts rolling. I jump off the car quite gracefully and keep chasing it as it comes to a stop. The man gets out of the car and starts taking shots at me. 

He runs up to a family and takes their kid. Steve comes running up from behind me, he was worried. The mother started screaming. He started heading down the alley, I turned to follow. He started screaming "Get back!". I hid by the wall as he started shooting at me and Steve. He turned the corner and I followed, he was heading towards the water front. Still holding the kid he shot more bullets at me and Steve. We could still hear his mother screaming as we darted to the man, we turned the corner. He held the gun to the kids head. 

"Wait. Don't. Don't" Steve pleaded to the man. He held the gun to Steve and went to shoot, he was out of bullets. I was thank full for that. He threw the kid in the water. Steve headed towards the kid. The man ran and I followed. The man pressed a button like he had earlier. This time a watercraft came out of the water. He jumped inside and started driving it. It went back underwater.

I was running after him. By the time I got there the watercraft was fully underwater. I could still see him though so I jumped in, swam to the watercraft and punched the window. It instantly broke. The man gasped for air before I pulled him out of it. I threw him back onto the concrete to where Steve was. I let him handle the rest. Steve kicked the man, causing him to drop the last bottle of serum. 

"Who the hell are you?" Steve yelled.

"The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place." The man said as he crushed a capsule of cyanide in his mouth. Before we could question him more he was foaming by the mouth. "Hail Hydra." he said as the cyanide took its last effects before killing the man.

We looked away from him and stared at each other. We didn't recognize each other very well. 

"Rose, your hair changed red when we ran, not just one shade. It had multiple shades of red in it. But when were standing here it's just a regular shade of red at the tips. That's pretty cool." Steve said. 

"Thanks, You are very muscly now." I said while holding back a laugh. Steve let his laugh out.

We headed back, they needed to do tests on us.

"I'm sorry"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя