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Hhh... So much has been going on in my life it's strange. This week it's the dreaded parent teacher conference and the Qur'an Competition. I'm so tired. My older sister/ best friend came over yesterday. It was okay. I was able to breathe or awhile even through my entire body ached at times. She was with me and I guess that took alot of my pain away.

She does that.

She makes everything okay.

Like I could be dying.

And she would make that okay.

I guess that's why I love her so much. She's always been there, she never left me alone in the dark. Literally. If I'm sitting with the lights off in my room she'll walk in quietly, shut the door, wrap her arms around me and be like, " I'm not leaving you in here alone Pooks." Then I'll crack a smile, and she'd wipe the stray tears and we would lay there, quietly, on my bed doing nothing.

But those are my favorite times. Being with her and doing absolutely nothing. The thing is, she's never disappointed in me. If she is, it's cause I honestly screwed up. She isn't like everyone else, blaming their own issues on me.

She defends me instinctively, even when the blame or words haven't come out of the other person's mouth. Like someone is telling me they hate me because I tell them the truth about someone. She will readily say to them to please shut their mouth cause the person I told them about was my best friend too. And I was hurt by them too.

I guess many people do that, but for me she's the first one to do it.

As for the parent teacher conference... I don't know. I mean are they all gonna say I'm a total screw up? And thy gonna tell my deepest and darkest secrets and ruin my entire life? Only Allah knows. I'm just hoping no one says anything that ruins my year.

As for the Qur'an competition.. I think I'm ready almost. Only got two pages left to memorize my sister has 27 and I hope she wins. She's my hope. But if she doesn't I won't be disappointed because I know she tired hard. And I'll get to listen to the Surah from her anytime. She has the most beautiful voice. I love to listen to her. Hhhh. Okay I need to pray. Then I'm going to work on my gift for my sister's special day.

Salam guys.

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