𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟭: 𝗵𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿

457 18 1

Kenjirō picked up his phone. Chiya!! Accept -Decline.

He sighed and his finger hovered over the accept button. Hesitantly, he pressed. Knowing well enough, he held the phone far away from his ear—as far as he could stretch his right hand.


"What do you want?"

"So cold, Shira, anyhow, I'm finished my side of the project."

Shirabu blinked in disbelief. "Um, okay. Good for you."

Chiya never came off as a girl who finished things on time or beforehand. But after seeing her report card, Kenjirō could tell she was hardworking.

"How aboutcha? Done anything yet?"

"I was done a few hours ago."


"No one's going to know who finished what first, Chiya. Chill out."

"I want to have my silent thunder, bro, y—"

"Did you just bro me?!"

"YEAH? I did. Watcha gonna do about it?"


"I swear I could hear the beat to the song while we were saying that—"

"Honestly, same."

They kept on the conversation about an hour. At the end, both were laughing at Chiya's list of what they talked about.

-Fish & Goldfish
-French VS Chinese
-Leap years
-Worst Curse Words
-Good Pictures
-Who Knows More Scientists?
-Meaning of LOL

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Meet up tomorrow to get the stuff assembled?"

"Sure," the copper-haired male agreed. Chiya hung up, leaving Shirabu by himself in the call.

Suddenly, he heard a bzz indicating someone joined the call. He didn't bother to look, knowing it was Chiya since it was a private call.

"Know." He totally knew that it was who it was in the call. The voice surprised him.

"Aye asshat."

He flung his head up, looking hard into the screen. It was unexpected and expected because 1: It was supposed to be impossible to join a private call without an invitation. 2: Only one person (dared to) call him asshat.

"Why the—who—what—get out."


"How did you get here? Wait lemme guess, Chiya sent you an invite."



"No one! I just joined."


"That, asshat, is non o' yo damn beeswax."

"I don't even have bee wax. And for your beeswax collection's info, it is to my business because you joined out of nowhere—from Mojave Desert, I presume—into our private chat."

"My dear dear not-junior-anymore-junior, I heard your entire conversation. So as it might seem like I joined right now, I was listening."

Shirabu gasped. "Stalker! What did you hear?"

"Oh my Lord. Clearly you can't hear. I said I heard the entire convo. Happy?"

"No! I'm not happy. How? You know what, fuck that. Why?"

"I was bored."

"I'm sending you to jail."


This reminded the younger male of his conversation with Chiya earlier. "Don't lol me. I'm getting the police. Now get out. What're you—"

He didn't get to finish his sentence.

Kenjirō just stood still, gaping at his screen.

He was kicked out? Not only did Semi-Stupid join his call out of nowhere with no consent whatsoever, he had got him out of his own chat?

Hesitantly, he swiped down his contacts until he found Eita's. Cringing at the name, a finger tapped on the block.

Their last exchange there was from the time Semi had saved him. His finger hovering over the name, he tapped on it.

But he thought ahead.

What are you going to say? :)

That smile is a cursed motherfucker was all that went through Shirabu's head when he saw the text. He waited a few seconds to make it seem like he wasn't already on his contact before.

YOU: i wasnt going to say anything.


YOU: what, you think i was waiting for you

EITA SEMI: Not think, I know.

All of a sudden Kenjirō Shirabu had come up with a beastly name for a special someone he was talking to.

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