𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟬: 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗰𝘂𝗲

632 25 10

[白布 賢二郎] Kenjirō Shirabu

I only remember being half-asleep and dragged by Semi.

Chiya offered to fill me in at the coffee place, but I just waved it off and continued to look at the constellations.

"So," she said, "we're going to be writing about every constellation or what?"

Like a normal human being, I ignored that statement.

"Ugh," she muttered. Then she got up and walked to the corner. I looked up. Why the hell would she put her bag in the corner? Wouldn't someone take it or something?

"Here," she said, plopping the thing on the table. It looked a little different because apparently, she had a run-in with a few kids who had chalk. I especially loved to point out the very "beautiful" chalk drawing in the corner with a few flowers.

"Wanna sneak out today to check out the stars?" she asked suddenly.


"You sound very unfazed to break a rule."

"Done it like a million times by now," I said with a smirk. She gaped at me and I only continued to sketch some constellations.

"Oh, anyways, I think I should have talked about this first."


"Um, so," she stopped midway to scratch her head. "We can't do constellations."

"Who's doing it?"

"No, like, constellations isn't a broad enough thing. She suggested we just do it on space."

"Who is this 'she'?"

"Da teacha, duh?"

I rolled my eyes and got out my notebook. My notebook was on space entirely.


"I mean, I thought we were only doing stars, and you had enough information."

"Oh my goats, Shira, you're impossible."

I decided to turn the wheels in the conversation. "For the project, should we work on describing space?"

She nodded. "And I'll do..." Chiya flipped through my notes like it contained all the secrets of the world. "The galaxies."

"And then we'll make up something along the way?"

Chiya nodded.

Halfway through my writing, she asked, "What's your grade in science? I want to know if I paired with someone stupid."

"I was wondering when to ask you that."

She winked. "Saved you the hassle."

I sighed and looked through my bag. "I still have my report card from last year."

"Okay, show." She took it and nodded. It was kind of obvious that she was impressed. At least I was able to cover my surprise when I saw Chiya's straight-A report.

"Nice," she said. "We can get through this."

Sure we can. Sure.

Especially sure.

So freaking sure.

Not sure as in Taku-is-right-behind-you-Chiya-sure. Surely, not that one.

She saw the look on my face and already knew who was behind her, and since she was pretty good in these situations, she said, "Why did I have to be partners with you?"

That awesome lying.

Not that Chiya was ashamed of being my friend or anything, and she'd stand up for me anytime, but she knew that if she was the victim, she'd want me safe too.

Since she and Taku have bad blood, Taku decided for a dramatic entrance by plopping down and saying: "Hello."

And then Chiya being that badass she was, glared at him and said: "What?"

I was routing for Chiya, duh.

"Chiya, no need to be so cold~"


Honestly, anyone right now would be okay. Whoever was at the door—

Ah. Semi.

Anyone except a certain fucker would be okay.

His eyes widened as he saw the scene. And P.S., he ran out. Like, excuse me? If he were here, Taku wouldn't lay a finger on us—

"Chiya, Shirabu and I have matters to discuss."

Chiya nodded and got up, not looking back. I didn't gulp or have any visions. I already knew what was coming.

"Before we get into it, let's make small talk, eh?"

I nodded.

"Tell me about yourself, Kenjirō."

"My name is Kenjirō Shirabu," I said, trying to refrain from saying something he didn't know. "I'm eighteen. I attend the same university you go to—"

"Cut it," he growled, leaning in closer.

It was a weird feeling, but I felt like someone needed me to keep him talking and keep making him angry. I just had a feeling...

"What? You asked me to talk about myself."

"Gettin' cheeky, aren't we, punk?" His voice was overwhelmingly cold. It's like I had buried myself in snow.

Suddenly, the door opened again. Taku leaned back, which gave me time to look at the door.

Oh, Semi again.

I glanced at Chiya, who put her hands over her mouth and nearly cried tears of joy.

The waitress couldn't care less about anything that was happening.

Taku's eyes were gleaming with hate.

Semi had a look of triumph on his face.


The people beside Semi.

Ones that Taku hung out with.

And Yui.

They looked horrified.

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