Start of the journey part two

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On the first leg of the journey, Aerin and the Hobbits are walking at the end of the group. The hobbits have been talking extensively about their journey and how they got to Rivendell. "Aren't you going to miss the shire now that you're going on another journey" I ask the Hobbits curious, Even though I travel a lot I always miss my home. "Yes my lady, but we like adventures and when we get back home I don't think we'll get the chance to leave again" replied Merrin Who still had all the courage in him. "Tell me master Merrin, is farmer Maggot still so ferocious to trespassers?" I ask with a mischievous smile on my face. The Hobbits look at Aerin surprisingly and shocked. "How, how do you know about farmer Maggot?" ask Merrin surprised. "I've been to the Shire once or twice, but often around the evening when everyone was asleep, all but farmer Maggot, he always seemed to be awake just like that dog of his," I said with a chill down my spine. All the Hobbits laughed at this. "Farmer Maggot and his dog, I will definitely not miss them" said Sam laughing. "nope, me neither" I replied.

The fellowship travels through a land of deep valleys and turbulent water, The Misty mountains rise sharply to their left. "We must hold to this course, west of the Misty Mountains, for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east, to Mordor" Gandalf called as he points the way.

One of the hobbits Pippin walked next to me. "Pardon me my lady, but who are you actually?, We know you were in the Shire once or twice, but for the rest nothing, Everyone has already told something about themselves except you".

I looked at the hobbit and was thinking what I would say to them. "Well then my name is Aerin that you know, but I don't know where I come from, I only know that when I was little Mithrandir or who you call Gandalf had found me and brought me back to Rivendell where I grew up in the house of Lord Elrond who raised me as his own" I smile when I think back how blessed I have been to have Lord Elrond as a father figure. "I often travel through middle-earth and try to help races where they need it. But many don't know I'm elvish. People are more suspicious these days and only trust their own people so I hide my ears".

"Wow that is so awesome" Pippin shouts happily. I just smile at him. When I look up to the front I can see that every one of them are closer to me then before and I know that they all heard what I said. "My Lady, You don't know where you come from?" Sam asks in disbelief after while. "Yes that sadly is the true, all I know is that Gandalf once found me when I was very little and I grew up in Rivendell, In the safe arms of Lord Elrond and became a student of him as well" I respond back a little sad, not knowing where I really come from "So if you want to know more about that, you need to asked Gandalf"

Legolas POV.

When Pippin ask Aerin about her story, I could hear within her voice, a little waver.. slightly but only enough that I could hear it. She was debating if she would tell her story to him. Eventually, Aerin shared part of it, but I knew she was leaving certain things out. I just got more intrigued by her, I want to get to know her. Who she really is, I haven't come across many Elleth's like her.

She is different than the other Elleth's I know. Back in Mirkwood all of the elven maidens are more or less the same. They act the same giggling when I walk by, they rely too much on others. Aerin on the other hand looks like she can handle herself and she is always on the road?, no elleth I know does that. She really is something else.

Aragorn POV.

Aerin was telling her story and was glad she said something about herself. We now know a little more about who she is, but she is still a mystery, why did Gandalf want her to come with us. I noticed from her story that she did not tell everything. I hope she will trust us someday and share her story with us. Because I'm very curious.


At the Eregion hills:

Aragorn and Boromir are giving Pippin and Merry sword tuition, well more like Aragorn sitting on a rock and giving advice with Gandalf next to him and smoking from their pipe. "Gandalf, who is Aerin really? and why did you make her come?" Aragorn whispered so he knew only Gandalf could here him. "She is someone very special Aragorn, she doesn't know who she really is and I want to keep it that way for now, there are only a few who know who she really is" Gandalf said and paused a little bit before he continued "If it becomes clear who she is and Sauron finds out, he will send his confidant after her. But with the challenges we are going to face, we can use her well. So please don't ask anymore and just believe this old man" Aragorn could only nod and leave the question where it was hoping some day there will be answers.

"Get away from the blade, Pippin, on your toes , good, very good, I want you to react, not think" Boromir says while he is teaching them.

"Should not be too hard" Sam said softly but sarcastically while he is cooking with Frodo over the fire place Fordo smiled and shook his head.

"Move your feet" Boromir instructed

Merry tried to motivate Pippin "Quite good, Pippin"

"Thanks" Pippin respond happily.

Gimli sat down next to Gandalf and spoke "If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way around. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria, My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome".

Gandalf clearly thinks this is a bad idea. "No, Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice" I look over at them and know Gandalf is right.

Boromir thrusts his sword, catching Pippin on the hand accidentally. Pippin throws down his sword kicks and lunges at Boromir tackling him to the ground. Everyone who sees that has to laugh at this. It's a nice sight to see a grown man being taken down by two little men. The fun Boromir is having here is a nice sight. Glad there is still some joy to be found during this quest.

Meanwhile, Legolas and I are on the lookout. Because we are elves, we need less rest than the others. We have a small talk until Legolas and my eyes are fixed on a distant dark patch which darts about in the sky, like flying smoke in the wind. "Legolas?" I asks a little anxious not really knowing what that is. This makes the others look our way. "What is that?" ask Sam. "Nothing, it's just a wisp of cloud" Gimli replied bored. Boromir getting worried and stands up and takes a better look "It's moving fast and against the wind" Legolas and I look at each other and then quickly back to the dark flake "Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas yells and Aragorn urgently yells "Hide!"

The fellowship scramble under what little cover there is as a regiment of large crows fly overhead at great speed, wheeling and circling above them. As their dark shadow passes over the fellowship a single harsh croak is heard and the crows suddenly wheel away, back towards the south.

Aerin POV

"Hide!" yells Aragorn.

I want to run to a bush after I took my back, but suddenly I feel someone pulling me away and before I know it I am in someone's arms under a cutout. I look up to see that it is Legolas, Legolas sees me looking at him questioningly and places his finger over his mouth beckoning that I should keep still and I do. After the Cerebain's are gone, we all come out again. "are you ok?" Legolas asks me worried. "Yes, everything okay" I react a little insecure, not knowing how to react to this, is it because I am a woman? but my thoughts are broken when Gandalf speaks.

"Spies of Saruman... The passage south is being watched" Gandalf says and looks at Aragorn and then turns to the others of our group he gestures towards a high mountain pass. "We must take the Pass of Caradhras!" all I think at that moment, poor hobbits with their bare feet, they don't know snow.

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