The start of a journey part one

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Aerin POV

The next morning when I woke up, I put on my new travel clothes that I had received from Arwen last night after I had told her I was going to join the fellowship she was set on that I had something with me that will remember me of Rivendell and of her. She wouldn't let me go if I didn't put this on, she also gave me a necklace that she had to give from Elladan and Elrohir. It was a blue, purple heart-shaped diamond with two silver angel wings protecting the heart. Arwen said that Elladan and Elrohir indicated that they were the two wings that would protect their little sister's heart and that for as long as I wore the necklace they are always with me and I would never be alone. I took the necklace in my hand to look at it and got a smile on my face, I love these guys, I love this family.

I put my jacket on and put my hood over my head and my backpack on my back. I tied my knives to my waist, sword in the holder around my waist and the quiver with arrows and the bow on my back as well. I confidently walked toward the courtyard where the fellowship was ready to go. As I walked into the courtyard, I saw Gandalf looking up and walking towards me with a smile on his face. "Ready to join us my dear, you are coming with us right?" Gandalf asked hopefully. "Certainly Gandalf, I can't refuse you anything, now can I?" I whispered back with a smile and gave him a big hug. How I had missed him. What many don't know is that Gandalf found me as a little elleth and brought me to Rivendell, Where I grew up in the house of Elrond, after I spend twenty years with him.

Together with Gandalf we walked towards the group, before Gandalf could introduce me to the group, Lord Elrond spoke to me. "Aerin, are cin sure cin anír- na ech- hi lend?, Ha na- more Glaeth than anui -o i sehan's cin gar- oiale teshuel"(Aerin, are you sure you want to make this journey? It is more dangerous than any of the journey's you have ever taken).

I walked over to Lord Elrond and nodded my head "Im gar- na ceri- hi. If im tur- help in anui té na defeat Sauron, hi na- what im baur na ceri-"(I have to do this. If I can help in any way to defeat Sauron, this is what I need to do). "Sal thro jen var. N- Carefullui, cin thro im consider cin nin own hén. Im prefer na lock cin in cín room so im thro cin are safe."(I know how you feel. Be careful, you know I consider you as my own child, I prefer to lock you in your room so I know you are safe) He aswerd back. I laughed "Haha, cin nielen succeeded, im am a lain-mán" (haha, you never would succeeded, I am a free-spirit) Having said that, I gave Lord Elrond aka my adopted father a big hug "Im mel cin adar"(I love you father) I let go of Elrond and went to stand by Gandalf and looked at the fellowship.

"I would like to introduce you to our tenth member, Aerin" Gandalf spoke and on that moment I removed my hood from my head so that they could see my face. "A she-elf" gasped merry, pippin and Sam at the same time. While Gimli growled "another elf". "I'll will help you as much as I can ring bearer, Frodo Baggins". When I look up to see the rest of the group I see the elf Legolas looking at me with a smile and I give a smile back.

"The time has come for the Ring to set out. You cannot count on your journey being aided by war or force. You will pass into the domain of the Enemy far from aid. Do you still hold to your word Frodo, that you will be the Ring-bearer?" Lord Elrond spoke. "I do. I must. I will go" he replied back but the fear in his voice was clearly audible.

"Then I cannot help you much, not even with counsel. I can foresee very little of your road and how your task is to be achieve Mountains, and draws nigh even to the borders of the Greyflood and under the Shadow all is dark to me. You will meet many foes, some open, and some disguised and you may find friends upon your way when you least look for it. I will send out messages, as much as I can contrive, to those whom I know in the wide world, but so perilous have the lands now become that some may well miscarry, or come no quicker than you yourself. Had I a host of Elves in armor of the Elder Days, it would avail little, save to arouse the power of Mordor" Lord Elrond spoke. Sometimes I think Lord Elrond better shut up, he just scares the hobbits more.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest to Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, now ten it will be, no oath nor bond is laid to go further that you will. Farewell and Hold on to your purpose, May the blessing of Elves and Men and all of the Free Folk may go with you". Lord Elrond finished.

Lord Elrond walked up to Gandalf and Aragorn. "I know you'd like to have her with you, but please watch over her for me, she means a lot to me and to many others here in Rivendell" Elrond says while looking at Gandalf. Aragorn seemed shocked that Gandalf then asked the girl to go with them. What is so special about this she-elf that he wants her to risk her life to come with them Aragorn asked himself. "I'll watch her Lord Elrond you know that I will" replied Gandalf back. Lord Elrond looks at him and smiles a little in gratitude. Lord Elrond then looked at Aragorn hopefully "I will do my best to protect her to my Lord" he answered much to the relief of the Lord of Rivendell. "Thank you Aragorn" He looked at the group again and stands tall "Be safe all, for you all have someone waiting for you when you come back home"

Aerin walks to Arwen and brings her the last goodbye before they depart "So this is the man who stole my sister's heart" I looked from Aragorn to Arwen with a mischievous smile on my face. Arwen's cheeks turn red straight away when I say that and I laugh. "Aerin, do you want to watch over him for me please?" You can see she finds it hard to let him go but knows she needs to.

"Of course I will Arwen, you don't even have to ask me. But only if you also watch yourself and Elladan and Elrohir for me, those two cause some real problems and keep them away from the healer section" Arwen and I both laugh when we think back to the jokes they played with the master healers so I could stop learning and come out to play with them.

"It is time to go" Gandalf says and the fellowship begins to start there journey.

Frodo leads the fellowship out of Rivendell and then turns to Gandalf "Mordor Gandalf, is it left or right?" He looks at Gandalf who smiles at him.

"Left" Gandalf said back and places his hand on Frodo's left shoulder in encouragement. The fellowship follows Frodo into Middle-Earth to the journey to save middle- earth.

Aragorn turns to bid a silent farewell to Rivendell and the love he leaves behind. Arwen stands in a group of elves, watching him go. He nods to her and follows the fellowship out of Rivendell into the wild to save there homes.

I looks back as well. I had only just returned home and now I am already leaving again. I am going to miss this place and the elves that live here, I see my friends end family standing on the hill and give them my silent goodbye before I turn around and walk to the group.

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