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In human age, Aerin is 22 years old. Since childhood, Aerin has known that she is not from Rivendell and that can also be seen in the elves who live in Rivendell, she is different from these elves. Aerin likes adventure and action while the elves here love the peace and quiet, when Aerin is in Rivendell she is usually training with her bow and arrow, her knives or with her sword, but Lord Elrond says she no longer needs the training because all she could learn she had. When Aerin isn't in Rivendell, she's on a journey to help those who need help. When traveling, she actually always has a cape over her head, because some races get scared when they see an elf. Aerin is known in middle-earth as the hooded-helper, but a few know her true identity. Aerin was raised by Lord Elrond who treated her as if she were his own child. Her best friend is Arwen.

The rest of the characters are the well-known ones.

Aragorn 30 years old (human age)

Legolas 29 years old (human age)

Gimli 30 years old (human age)

Boromir 32 years old

Frodo 27 years old

Sam 28 years old

Merry 29 years old

Pippin 29 years old


I start the story on the moment they al are in Rivendell

We start in Rivendell

The Lord of the Rings: Aerin's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now