*Awwww Ant Comeon*

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Chapter 18





Seriously me and my ringtones. I look at my phone its ant. Humm man thats one ugly picture I got as his ID photo. Wait I gotta answer the phone still.

"Heyyy there!" I yell in the phone

"Hi..can I come over?" Ant horse voice said.

"Yeah of course!"

"I'll be there in 5!"

After that he hung up I got my phone and texted Hayden.

Katy: babe poor ole ant comeing over you can come or if you want alone time then wait till he leaves!!;)

I put my phone down right when I get a text.

Hayden: now you read my mind. I'll go chill with Brandon.;) Wheres Brice and faith?

Katy: wanted to see brittany well faith did Brice didnt want to! But she made him.

Knock Knock Knock

I got open the door to see quite messed up ant.

"Who hit you with a bus?" I said

"Kira.." He said falling into my arms crying. I pulled him into my house and sat him on the couch rubbing circles in his back.

"Ant what's wrong?"

"W-w-wwe had a big fight!" He said haveing a hard time to get it out.

"Ant what about?"

"I don't really know she just makes me crazy you know?" I laugh a little and shake my head

"What?" Ant asked lost

"I was just remembering y'all before yall got together." I said luaghing.

"Let's go back to memory lane there katy!"


9th grade. Brokest school in America.

"Brrrrrannnndonnnnnn please let me have my buuuuugggggerrrrr!" I pleaded. He's new an became my best friend in 2 weeks.

"No mine!"

"Pleaseeee brandddddonnnn!!" Im acting like a 3 year old.

"Brandon give the baby her food!" Faith said hitting Brandon.

"Great here comes this bitch!" I I said quitely to faith and Brandon. There so this girl Jayme. She a bitch to the top she been throwing herself at Brandon and ant. No body wants that chest of hers. And she comeing to our table.

"Heyy Brandon and Anthony!" She said twriling her hair.

"Heyy Jayme I was wondering do you only see men because I'm sure there is other people here." Booboo stated pissed off.

"Oh hey girls. Anyways umm brandon. How's your life here?" She said twisting her hair. Which can I say ain't hair its that 3 dollar wev. Haha slut

"Good and would be better if I can find a way to get ride of theses girls!" He said aggregated. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ohh girls I can help you with that you heard the man get away from him!" She said shooing us off.

"Umm I think he ment you honey I'm sorry!" I said with my best million dollar smile.

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