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Chapter 11

"Brice hurry up before daddy and me have to pick up aunt serena aunt booboo aunt kira aunt summer uncle ant and uncle Brandon." Faith yelled.

"Okay mommy hold onn!" Brice yelled.

Guess where we is going! The beach! We decided to do it as our wierd family! Aunt booboo is black well not black but light skinned, she has dimples and beautiful smile. All the boys go after her but she likes doing her. She held me every night for a year after brice died.Aunt serena we meet at a grave yard. I was visiting Brice's grave. He daddy died on the streets he was a drug dealer. She nothing like him. She is becoming a doctor 2 more years. She is light skinned mixed with so much you would get lost.Aunt kira she is mine and faiths high school Bestfriend. She became part of the group and everyone loves her black happy self. Uncle ant him and aunt kira are a couple. He was the nerd of the group needless to say he is studying to be a science teacher. Last but not least uncle Brandon he's black really really tall and is my bosses son. We meet back in high school when he first moved here. He's dad gave me a job when Brandon came home asking him. What can I say I had to find a job to support faith.

Finally brice came out man that boy. We had to take a van and my convertible. Faith, brice,summer, kira, ant, and all the bags where in the van. Of course I had serena, Brandon who sat up front with me and booboo. We took off they sang most of the way may I say they sound like dead cats but I love em. After 7 hours in my damn car everyone had finally stopped singing a went to sleep. We had 30 minutes left till we got there and of course I had to pee. So I called faith and told her pee pee time. We pulled into the nearest curb store.

"WE ARE BEING ROBBED!!" I yelled to the top of my lungs causing people to look but it got those sleeping people to wake up.

"What the fuck man?" Brandon yelled holding his glasses in his hand.

"Totally not cool kat!" Serena said rubbing her eyes. Booboo ain't woke up yet.

" lets jump on booboo!" I said whispering

"You jump on me I swear I'll take the earrings off and shoes and we gonna hit! I don't care where the fuck we at!" Booboo yelled. We all started laughing at how ghetto she can be. I couldn't laugh much or I was going to pee on myself. Faith walked over to the car

"You gonna pee or what?"

"Oh yeah let's go my loveies!" They all rolled there eyes on cue. We walked into the store then go to the bathroom and faith mouth drops.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said wiping my hands off. She couldn't say nothing just pointed. Brittany!!!

"Holy shit!" I said and my mouth drops.

The rest of the crew came out and there mouth dropped as well. Some meet brittany before others seen pictures in faiths room.Faith had never gave up love for brittany. Never got another girlfriend. Brittany left right after high school and moved. No one knew where. Well we founded out. She was dressed in an sweat shirt and jogging pants that both said ARMY is big letters. She always said she was going to go but we never believed her. She looked over and her eyes landed on faith. She ran up to faith and grabbed her looked her in the eye and then kissed her. Little brice was looking lost

"Daddy what is mommy and that lady doing?"

"Well mommy loves her very much. And when you love someone you do that!" I said with a smile. They broke away from there kiss and tears rolling down faiths face and she kissed them away. Faith finally spoke.

"This is little brice!" She said pointing to Brice and smiling

"Brice this is Brittany the love of your mommy's life." She said looking in Brittany eyes. They never lost love for each other.

"Nice to meet yahh ma'am this is my daddy!" He said smiling and shaking Brittany hand and pointing at me.

" I know you daddy. Heyy Katy how


"Good! I see faiths doing better now she got you back." I said with a smile.

"Oh I almost forgot. Faith I love you I got mad for no reason. And when I found out you had brice I thought that's what you wanted was to be with him. Later did I find out that Katy been playing the part of daddy. I was going to call you but I knew you hated me. When I seen you I think go d ment for us to be together. And kissing you my heart took over then. Your my angel and always have been. Will you faith take me back?"

Faith by now is crying with a smile on her face and nodded. Brittany picked her up and kissed her. I covered up Brice's eyes.

"NO PDA IN FRONT OF THE CHILD!" I yelled while the rest of the group hit me for messing up that fairy tale moment.

Faith got her fairy tale moment. When is mine gonna come?

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