*Soo You Said...*

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"katy?" kira yells

"yess?"i yell

"will you take off of work today its friday and my doctor has news for me!"

"you want just me or someone else tooo?"

"just you!" oh shit must be  bad. i  called don and told him im not comeing in today. he already calls me boss! i put on a black v-neck with a white tank top on ripped light skinny jeans and my white vans. i brushed my hair down i thought of curling my hair and put a white banadna on to finsh it off. 

"katy you take forever yo get ready!" kira and her patience scarcasm is the  key.

"im done now watermelon!" i yell

"you take forever and a day beautiful!" we get into haydens car because mine needed new tires and an oil change. i know what your thinking...yes i could do that from my house but i like using my shop!

we finally get to the OBGYN. man this place gives my the creeps. picture of vee-vee jayyjayys everywhere. is that legal?

"ja'kira matthews." the nurse called kira back we go into a blue room with pink dots.

"so crazy girl what do you think they gotta tell you?" i ask

"i dont know but im freaking out!"

"its-" i got cut off by the doctor waking in

"good morning mrs.matthews. how are we this fine morning?" 

"cut the crap doc. why an i here?"

"haha okay mrs.matthews your haveing twins!"

"TWINS?" me and kira said at the same time

"we couldnt see the other baby because it was hidden behide the other. we studied your recent ultura sound and it going to be a girl and a boy!" kira was shocked hell i was too!

we leave and while driveing home kira is lost in thought.

"kira are you okay?" i finally broke the slience

"AM I OKAY? REALLY?" kira yells

"yeah?" i said confused

"hell yeah im okay im happy i cant even express this. OH MY GOD SERENA HAVEING TWINS TOO!" kira yells 

"SHE IS?" okay we are in the car and people are looking at us like we have been on some good shit! kira is rambling about god knows. then i thougth about it i just missed mt turn. 

"where you going?" kira asked

"to the shop!"


"i forgot the turn"i said as i pulled into the shop and kira luaghed.

"hey boss!" don said."ummm maybe you should go home!" 

"why?" i ask

"well...ummm...you is..."

"move donny!" i said pushing don out the way i walk and find my boyfriend when i see...


"SURRR...PIZZEE!" hayden said

"HOW COULD YOU?" i said starting to cry.

"awww baby come here!" he wrapps his arms around me. 

so your wondering why im crying...well you see hayden bought me my dream car...a skyline like the one off fast and furious but thats not all...

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