You Call Him Gustavo, I Call Him Dad [25]

Start from the beginning

He shook egg shells everywhich way, making one land on my cheek. It felt like fiery love."Does it feel good?" I laughed.

"I dunno you tell me!" And with that he cracked the egg right on my hair!

Cold goo seeped into my scalp making me cry out from the cold sensation.

"Oww." He grabbed his egg soaked head.

"Shells hurt." I winced as I began pulling out the shells out of strands of my hair.

He laughed loudly. A booming laugh that could make anyone faint. Including me. I sat down because my legs were staring to wiggle.

"Tweet tweet! He he! Hey Mickey Mouse!" Malorie purred as she walked into the egg mess. "Oh, hey Mal." Mick started shaking more shells from his hair. This time the egg shells flew to my forehead. Excpet this time it felt like gunshots. Mal? Mickey Mouse? What's going on!?

"What happened in hereee." She asked, stretching the word 'here' out as she surveyed the yellow goo, oozing off of my hair and the messy tile floor.

When we didn't say anything, she did.

"Like my hair Mickey? I curled it myself." She grinned expectantly as she ran a finger through her hair like it was a bunny.

"Looks great." He rubbed her curly blonde hair into between his index finger and thumb.

Compared to me and Malorie, she was the prettier one. With the shiny blonde hair and yolk free face. I tried imaging what I would look like with brown eyes and blonde hair but quickly erased that note from my head. Never ever would I ever dye my hair-

"Let's get you cleaned up."

Malorie was leading my man out of the kitchen! And he was letting her! Not even looking back at me! Didn't he love me?! He was mine!

I sighed and left the kitchen after hearing their footsteps going up the stairs. I just took a shower in the downstairs bathroom to wash the yolk out my hair. It feels like no one wants to talk me. I didn't get a single postcard, email, or call from the boys or my own Dad! And where's my Mom?! It's been over a week! I should be with my Dad! Away from all this drama....

I dried myself with a towel and put on my dark blue skinny jeans and a long sleeved purple v-neck.I tied my long brown hair up into a sloppy ponytail and went upstairs. Was Mickey still here?

The music was turned up loud in Malorie's new room. I've seen to many cheating movies to know that they could be having sex! The music could be draining out their moans and thumps!

I ran as fast as I could up the stairs and down the hallway to the beat of Kanye West music. My sweaty palms slipped from the doorknob and my anxiety grew more. I wiped my clammy hands on my shirt and tried it again. Locked!!

I wiped sweat from my forehead and took a step back.

"I hope 4 years of karate will help me in a situation like this." Without thinking I karate kicked open the door; the door knocked down with ease and I rushed in.

On Malorie's bed, was Malorie...and.......Mickey?!! They didn't even notice me come in. Too busy sucking face!

"No!!" I shrieked as they were starting to pull of each others clothes.

Startled from my outburst, Malorie and Mickey let go of each other and turned to me. Malorie gave a smug smile while Mickey's face was a cross from shock and fear.

He better be scared!

"Uh...uh Julie! I can explain." Mickey began to get up.

I couldn't take it anymore. "No! I was wrong about you!" I sniffled. "I should of known you were" I took a gust of air and screamed, "THEM!" Hot tears poured down my face.

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