"OWW I'm Sorry Nami I'm Just Hungry" Luffy said.

Nami growled louder, as Luffy was panicking.

"You Know How Much I have to Owe them!?" Nami bark.

"Ummmm No....." Luffy gulp

"5186.65 YEN!?" Nami yelled.

"YOU PUT NAMI DEAR ON TAB!?" Sanji Scolded and grab Luffy by the collar.

"Well i have a good excuse...." Luffy said.

"WHAT!?" They both said.

"I.......nevermind....." Luffy said.

Nami ready to punch Luffy but Hancock grab Nami arm. Nami turn and glares at Hancock.

"I will pay for your Tab Nami" Hancock hissed.

"Oh yeah, And Are You Going Pay Luffy Lunches?" Nami said

"Maybe i am" Hancock huffs her chest.

"Hey....zoro" Sanji said.

"What is it now Sanji" Zoro said.

"You know i like this girl vs girl but.... don't you think it getting too intense?" Sanji said.

"Yeah, Something we both agreed on" Zoro said as he gulp from the intensity.

"Hey you two, If you Guys want to Fight You Take it outside Not In my Joint" Shakky scold.

"Yes ma'am" Hancock and Nami said.

They stop and look at each other.

"Seriously Hancock How Will Pay the Tab?" Nami said.

Hancock pulls out her small wallet. She open up and take out a golden card with Kuja Logo. Nami eyes widen and Star eye with Greed.


"Wow you sure forgiven" The boys said to Nami.

Hancock brush her black hair back to her shoulders. Even everyone gasped and faintly. She walked over to the cashier and pay off the tab and pay Extra Lunch for Luffy.

"Hancock your so Amazing, Thank you" Luffy smiled.

Hancock blushed, "Y-Your Welcome Luffy, I'm glad i could help" She said.

Luffy walked to the lunch Booth and pick up different meals onto his tray. He walked out of the line and onto the cafeteria tables.

His friends begin follow him to the table with their tray. They watch Lunch contiue to munch down.

"Seriously, don't you ever stop?" Usopp said.

"Hmm nope" Luffy said.

"It luffy what do you expect even he going to eat all the economic away" Sanji said.

"Hey guys" Kid said said yawning.

"Hey you look tired then law" Franky said.

"Well, other than homework, Bonney, Starving, drag racing, I'm just tired" Kid said.

"Really where are they?" Robin said.

"Who cares, Just they kept Texting for the plans on  school Halloween Party" Kid yawn.


"Hey hey hey lower your voice, your fucking giving me a headache but yeah" Kid said.

"It only second week of September And they planning a school party?" Usopp said.

"Pretty much, they talk one of student council and Approved by Whitebeard, since Whitebeard is American they Convince him By culture influence.....huh just like spirit week in my hometown" Kid said.

"Oh where you from Kid?" Luffy said.

"New Zealand" Kid said.

"Hmm well i mean i guess we could wait" Usopp said.

"Heh wait, Back In America Halloween was started In August" Kid Laughs. "And Christmas During Halloween, those shithead never keep on scheduled" Kid chuckles and walked off.

"Hmm i mean we can wait but i got news everyone" Sanji said.

"What the news sanji?" Chopper said.

"Well In the Baratie Restaurant, My Stepfather Zeff Bought A space and made it a cafe, Baratie cafe, and since Hancock Joined our group i Thought it be fitting" Sanji said.

"Really that Nice Sanji" Nami said.

"You know i wonder what Beverages they brew" Robin said.

"Well Robin dear Just Say My Stepfather Bough the most expensive and delicious Coffee beans" Sanji said.

"Sound Delicious" Robin give a seductive smirks.

"Oiy oit oiy dartboard Don't Seduced my woman" Zoro scold.

"Sweet, Oohhh do they Have Cakes, i Bet they have my Favorite" Luffy said.

"There is No way In hell You Coming Luffy" Sanji scolded.

"Excuse me?" Hancock look at Sanji crossing her arms.

"W-well i can Make an Exception Princess Hancock" Sanji blushing with heart in his eyes.

"Good, but Why Can't Luffy Can't Come?" Hancock said.

"Ohhh boy where do we start...." Nami said Stretching her arms.

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