Stolen: Chapter 23

Start from the beginning

They all waited stinking and uncomfortable behind the stump for a few minutes before deciding it was safe to travel through the forest
"Now, what do you suppose we do with him," said Lasette.

''Keep him. He keep us safe during our travels across border to Canada," said the tall women.
"We're headed towards New York to live with my niece who is pregnant," said Aunt Karen.
The large women laughed and shook her head no.
"What's so funny?" asked Lasette
"Two unkempt Coloreds walking into the city...Those white boys have your head on pike as runaway slaves before can provide your documentation of freedom," she said.
"We've made it this far!" Teal said icly.
"Accompanied by white men, I expect. You're better with me. My name is Nakami and you should come to Canada with me and work as a maid. They provide free room, board, and wages. Plus, it's free county," she said pointing North.
"My niece..."Aunt Karen said.
The tall woman placed both hands on Aunt Karen's shoulder and said, " You must do what's right for own life. Imagine living in free country without prejudices or fear we currently live in,'' the tall woman explained.
Aunt Karen shook her no, but the tall woman only shook her again.
"You can always write her. If truly loves you, your niece be happy for you, not selfish," said the Nakami.
"You've got a great point and I'm going with you,'' said Lasette, who then turned to Aunt Karen.
"We can build lives of our own, have families, and be free of this slavery prone country. Please Karen. You can't live for Rain, you gotta live for yourself," Lasette pleaded.

Aunt Karen sighed and finally decided to give in to the ideal of being truly free. Deep down it was everything she had always wanted. She had been given special privileges due to her sister marrying her Master and her niece following a similar suite. However, she was never truly free and she wondered how it must have felt. She was bound by obligation and she wondered what it would be like to be selfish and have free life of her own. Not her sister's nor her nieces life, although she loved them deeply and unconditionally.

That's when Aunt Karen decided. She looked North toward the endless woods and sighed, ''Not without sending Rain a letter before we go.''

Nakami shook her head no, again and responded, ''It's too risky! We'd have to travel into city and risk being caught by those bastards.''

''Well, enjoy traveling alone because Lasette and I are on our way to send a letter...And we're taking the dog with us. Your welcome to join us,'' Aunt Karen said to Nakami in a challenging voice.

Nakami shook her head and finally gave into the invitation, ''Fine,'' she said followed by some other sort of African tongue language she muttered under her breath.


It was a late January when Sam had left off to his work at the Jared Mathis Institute while I waited patiently for Aunt Karen and Lasette to arrive by carriage. Groggy and annoyed with the fact that I had not gotten any sleep due to the stabbing jabs of the baby. I was towards the end of being eights months pregnant, I still managed to awake on time and plaster a smile on my face. Despite how miserable I was feeling, I was still overjoyed to see my Aunt Karen who I had not seen in months.

''Your herbal tea, mam?'' said Maple. Maple was a new maiden who had been attending to my needs over the last few months. We had grown quite close and I considered her more than just a maiden or acquaintance around the house, but a true friend. I found myself confiding in her with all my secrets and emotions over the past few months. I entrusted of her with things, even of Sam's affair and we were only growing closer in friendship. Teal had made little progress and the friends I had made like Anne Harper were busy with their own lives and came over rarely for visits.

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