Homecoming: Chapter 19

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I didn't sleep that night. Instead, I sat on the foot of the bedding waiting for the love of my life to awake from his sedated state while Selena fell asleep in bed next to Teal. Besides the fact that his hair had been shaven down to a buzz cut, there was something different about him, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I watched as breath in and out slowly until he finally awoke with a slight groan at the sight of dawn the next day.
I immediately moved closer to him and asked, "Sam, can you hear me?"
He fluttered his eyes for a moments and then finally cracked them open slightly. "Blue Eyes, is that you? Are you really here?" he asked as his hand gently caressed my face.
I placed my hand over his and said, "Yes, I'm really here." Tears trickled out of my eyes and I wiped them away.
"But, how? Where's Grant? Did he hurt your or the baby" he asked as sat up painfully in bed ready to take flight.
However, I pushed him back down in the bed and said, "I fine and so is the baby...Grants dead," I replied and I saw the look of relief escape his face. "It was Selena who rescued you last but-" just as I was about to tell Sam about how Selena purposefully left me behind last night during his rescue, I was interrupted by the ruffling of covers and a bodily force making its way towards us.
"Sam!" Selena loudly whispered as she jumped in front of me breaking our connected hands and hugging him tightly around the neck. She nearly knocked me over and it pained me to see the love of my life returning the embrace of his old flame. She purposely flung her hair in my face and brushed her backside against my thighs forcing me to scoot a few inches away and watch painfully in the distance.
"Okay, that's enough," he said firmly lifting her off of him. "I thought you were dead, how?" he asked.
" I have so much I need to explain," she said rubbing his chest in a companionably manner. I tried to conceal my anger and jealousy. I reminded myself he was no longer in-love with her and I should trust him. However, my emotions briefly slipped through cracks at the sight of another women rubbing the chest of my future husband and dreamily staring into his eyes as if I didn't exist. I momentarily furrowed my eyebrows and frowned discreetly but Sam noticed my uncomfortableness and jealously and removed her hand from his chest and she gasped in shock.
That's right, he's mine now, I thought to myself.
"We'll talk later, perhaps all together," he said looking at me. It felt good that he would include me and consider my feelings. "I'd like to spend some time with my should have been already wife," he said as he reached behind Selena to grab my hand.

She hesitantly got off the bed and awkwardly backed away. "Completely understandable," she said lifting both hands in the air innocently. "I'll go check Teal...Maybe get her dressed and get us some breakfast from the city and give you guys some privacy," she said as she walked over to the other bed and awoke her sister.
The heaviness of her presence dissipated, and Sam pulled me into his arms and wrapped his arms around me as we lay face to face. "I've only got hearts for you, Blue Eyes," he said smiling and well fell to sleep in each others arms.
I finally fell asleep but I was quickly awoken by wet gently kisses on my neck. "I can bear no-longer to not make love to you," he said as he rolled on top of me." I peered around the room to see Teal and Selena had gone out for breakfast. I blushed as he tore off the trousers I had been wearing secreted himself firmly inside my womanhood.
I held onto his back passionately and moaned a musical turn of lust as he released his desires and anatomy inside of me. He finished with a loud groan and then tucked me into his arms.
"I've missed you," he said kissing the back of my head. "I'm sorry..." he said tightly gripping my bare chest protectively under the quilts. "I should have protected you better. He didn't-" he began to ask.
I swiftly cut him off and said, "No."
"Good," he said kissing the back of my head once more as he began to say something else but I cut him off again not wanting an apology for something that was not all his fault.
"You did everything you could, and it's not your fault. I won't let you say it is," I said.
He let a breath of air escape his mouth and gave up on a topic, we would be sure to revisit anytime soon.

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