Warm Feet: Chapter 17

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The day of the wedding had finally come and I was willing and ready to unify my soul with the man determined to per-sake it.
"Just beautiful!" yelled Aunt Karen as she adjusted my wedding dress upward on my back. More butterfly's and flowers had been embroidered onto the fabric of my beautiful white wedding dress and fitted noticeably tighter around my bust and waist. I had definitely gained weight since conceiving, but the dress did look more flattering filled out. The train was at least seven inches long and four inches wide. Overbearing and perfectionist Anna Hill frantically smoothed and straightened out the trail with of my dress with her hands as she shooed Herbert away who wasn't too fond of her.
"Magnificent!" yelled Anna Hill as she steered me toward the mirror.
I almost did not reconcile myself. My hair straitened and curled hair along with a face full of makeup had made me almost unrecognizable. I gently brushed my hand along my face as if I wasn't sure, if I was even real.
"Just lovely", said Aunt Karen as she squeezed and kissed my shoulders who smelt freshly of soap for the occasion. She wore a blue and white stripped cotton dress with white ruffles underneath.
I took deep breath and looked down. "What's wrong brown beauty? You are the most beautiful woman in the world today" said Anna Hill as she hovered over my other shoulder and stroked her wrinkly hands through my hair.
"I was just thinking about Teal," I said.
"This is your day, not hers. She chose to chase after that rock head, crazy boy" said Aunt Karen as she rolled her eyes and shamefully cracked a lopsided smile. "She is alive and will surely come to her senses soon enough," said Aunt Karen.
"Now are you ready for the final touch, my Brown Beauty?" Anna Hill asked.
"Yes," I replied bracing myself for the inevitable. Anna Hill carefully placed the sheer veil over my head and beauty.

I walked down the isle carefully with my vision partially obstructed by the veil. The wedding march played in the background by a musician whom I had never seen before and I followed the lucid red strip of carpet that led up to masculine man awaiting my love in a black suit and shielding his face full of tears. The dining room area had been constructed into a wedding styled chapel with several pews neatly aligned and filled with familiar faces of friends and family. I saw the dark wavy hair of Margarita, the kinky hair of Aunt Karen, the red hair of Ms. West, and surprisingly the blond hair of my sister Belle. The guests were eerily quiet and I made my way towards my future husband.
I finally made way to the Preist and greeted him with smile but he did not smile or respond back. The old Priest looked quite scared and jittery.
I quickly scurried to grasp the hands of my future husband for stability and prepared to say my wedding vows. I could barely see Sam's face but I took comfort in his hands.
"Unveil your bride," said the preacher. I closed my eyes and the large hands uncovered my face and vision.
I opened my eyes and stumbled backward onto the ground ripping seams of the wedding dress in the process. It was not Sam who stood before me, but Grant. He wore a blond wig and his eyes were green. I searched around the room for help but everyone in the pews were unconscious. The sun suddenly disappeared behind the clouds and it started to hail and hit against the windows as the horrific event unfolded before my eyes.
He grinned at me, "Do you like it? I cut Sam's hair to make a wig and used honey to change the color of my eyes." He said offering his hand to help me to my feet.
"What the hell did you to them?'' I asked pointing to my loved ones in the pews. ''where's Sam?" I asked in shuttering fear. He smiled a devious smile and his eyes went wild with deranged thoughts.

''Don't worry about him,'' he responded and forcefully grabbed my hand and lifted me to my feet. ''As for them...They weren't exactly ecstatic about our marriage, and I wanted your loved ones to be present...So I drugged them, and it was all for you, my love'' he said smiling at me as pieces of blond hair flew from his head. I instantly fell to knees and sobbed.

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