Lovers and Backstabbers: Chapter 9

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I let my hair be wild and free and slipped on the gown before Sam arrived home. Sam arrived home at sunset and decided we should have dinner on the balcony. ''Close your eyes,'' he said as he covered my eyes with his hands and led me towards the entrance of the balcony. There were rose pestles everywhere and a dinner was already laid out on the table with candles. There was something licking at my feet and peered down to see a small puppy begging for my attention.

''He yours. I bought him about a week ago from a farmer. I was going to wait until our wedding day to give him to you, but it's kinda hard to hide a puppy,'' he said. I jumped into his arms ignoring the pain in my neck and kissed him on cheek.

''What is he?'' I asked picking up the intergenic furry, brown creature cuddling him in my arms.

''He is a saluki, and his name is Herbert. Shall we eat with our new family member?'' he asked.

''Yes, we shall,'' I responded.

That night I was restless again, and Sam instantly fell to sleep the moment he hit the bed. I tossed and turned for a few hours until I eventually woke up Sam, but the puppy in the corner still laid sound asleep. ''Blue Eyes, if there was something wrong, you'd tell me, right?'' he asked.

''Yes. Its just I've been through so much, and I'm just trying to process it all,'' I said. I told the truth with holes in it. I had been through so much more than what he knew but I kept it to myself and clenched the heart-brake between my legs.

He let a breath of air escape from his mouth and shifted his weight on top me pinning me. He looked directly in my eyes said, '' I love you, Blue eyes. From the moment I saw you. I loved you.'' I could tell he meant it and my heart melted and all the feelings of worry temporarily faded.

I leaned in to kiss him and said, ''I love you too,'' I said with glowing eyes full of love aand lust.

''Well, what do you say we call it a night, and we finished this conversation in the morning,'' he playfully suggested with a serious intent and he rolled over.

''No'' I said. ''I want to know more about you...your past life. Your past wife, Selena. Who was she?'' I boldly asked.

''I told you. She was my wife who died'' he said hastily, but I was not going to back down. I needed answers and I needed them now.

''She had to mean something to you. Tell me about her...Tell me about how she died. I won't press you if it's too painful, but it's something I need to know. I wear her clothes and share the same bed as her man. If its bearable, I would like to know about her'' I said boldly. He blew another breath of air out of his mouth as if bracing himself for a collision.

''She was the love of my life until I met you of course,'' he said as he looked me and smiled. ''She was a beautiful woman with the blackest eyes I have ever seen in my life. Thick curly hair kinda like yours with a body of a decanter bottle.'' Hearing him talk that way about another woman made me feel uncomfortable, but I lay there silently with a listening ear. ''We courted for two years before getting married. That's when things got a little rocky. ''She started ignoring me and started senseless arguments that turned into screaming matches, but I never laid a hand on her. I always took my pride and walked away, even when she threw a knife at my head.'' He paused and then continued, ''I just don't know where we went wrong, or where I went wrong. We were so in love and than it was like a switch. One day after having an argument, I told her she could pack her things and leave if she was so unhappy and she did,'' he said pausing for another moment.

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