Chapter 13

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Emison second time to die

I got unloaded and taken into a large gray building. The floor lowered to a different section level. I could see medical tools, saws, scalpels and different vials. This is it, I'm going to be chopped up in pieces, my mind screamed at me. My eyes were watering horribly and I just thought about Xavis and the love I truly had for him. He really was a great guy. They moved me to a metal exam table and started cutting the skin suit away from my body. Goosebumps covered my skin and the doctor rubbed my flesh in amazement.

"You're more human/alien than AI, meaning that our experiment is a complete success," he exclaimed happily. An orderly drew blood and once again came in to tell him I was pregnant.

"Not waiting for it this time," he states to the orderly and grabbed a scalpel. He was grinning as he cut a large section of my skin off my thigh. The pain was horrendous and I screamed painfully in my brain. Tears poured from my eyes and he put the section of flesh on a tray and told the orderly to make sections and put them in petri dishes. A communications device began beeping loudly and the doctor picked it up angrily and scanned the message. His brow creased and he eyed me strangely.

"We need to leave here immediately," he commented to no one. He rolled me to a corner and covered me with a white sheet and I could hear him rushing away. My blood was gushing out of my leg wound and my eyes were getting heavy. I heard explosions before my mind drifted off to unconsciousness, my eyes remained open.

Xavis my wife and child

The troops were excellent and secured the area quickly. A handcuffed orderly was brought before me and was shaking nervously. He said he knew where Emison was and took me to the lab. I frowned deeply seeing the flesh on a tray and I swallowed painfully seeing a body covered in a white sheet with a large red spot. I walked slowly and lifted the sheet. Emison was lying there and looked dead, I felt tears start to form in my eyes. The orderly used a stethoscope on her and listened carefully.

"She's not dead, General but will be if she doesn't get a transfusion," the orderly says sadly. I looked at him and grinned.

"Use mine and do it quickly," I state firmly. The orderly, along with a couple others quickly set up the equipment and I laid next to the woman I loved praying she'd be saved. They reattached the slab of skin, using a medical device lasered it back into place and wrapped it in bandages. I leaned back and watched my blood flowing into her. The orderly said it was enough and removed the equipment from my body.

"Where is Hawkins," I asked curiously and the orderly pointed at an opening along the wall. I jumped off the table and opened the concealed door to see a long dimly lit hall.

"Where does it lead to," inquired.

"To a bunker used during the earth war," he sighed. I raised my laser gun and walked slowly down the narrow passageway. I see a shadow passing through the light and take aim. Dr. Hawkins stepped out with his arms raised.

"I give up, take me into custody," he grins. I tilted my head and raised my laser to his head and fired it. I watched in morbid satisfaction as he crumbled to the ground missing half his face.

"Fuck you doctor," I growl and head back to the lab. I rushed to Emison's side and saw her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling, I dressed her in a medical gown.

"I suggest you and your coworkers get the hell out of here because I'm blowing this whole fucker up in oh about ten minutes," I growled and set the small absorbing bomb on the floor setting the time for ten minutes. I lifted Emi and headed towards the lift and waited for the eight workers to board before pushing the up button. They all scrambled outside while I casually strolled through the building, I knew how much time I had. It exploded the moment I stepped from the doorway. It sucked the entire building into a giant sinkhole.

"You always know how to make a grand exit General," the officer chuckled.

"Get me home," I mumbled and climbed into the military transport with Emi on my lap.

"You know the government is going to

court martial you for all of this," the officer chuckled. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed, if they only knew my well kept secret. I looked down at Emison sleeping soundly and looked up at the officer.

"Probably, but it was worth it," I grinned and leaned back as we flew to my home.

Emison safe with my man

I opened my eyes to Xavis's bedroom. I blinked my eyes several times not believing what I was seeing. I can feel tightness on my thigh and lift the blanket to see a square shaped bandaged on my leg. I frowned, touching it with my fingers. I climbed out of bed and put on a skin suit that was lying on the floor. After dressing I head slowly down the stairs. I go into the kitchen and see Xavis speaking with an attractive older man with gray hair and friendly light green eyes.

"Emison, please, let me introduce you to our aliens leader or president, Mr. Kyris Derix," Xavis smiled. I shook the man's hand and noticed the security dressed in black surrounding our home. I raised my brow at Xavis and he shook his head at me slightly. I shrugged and poured myself a cup of coffee and left for the living room. I sat on the couch as the two men spoke with each other. My mind was confused, did Xavis save my ass, I grin at the thought. I watched the pair walking into the living room, still wondering what the fuck was going on.

"I won't court martial you this time Xavis, but do try and control yourself and the urges of blowing things up that cost several billions in credits," their leader states and my eyes widened at Xavis.

"Thanks dad, it's greatly appreciated," he grinned, hugged him and saw him outside. He came back in and smiled at me.

"Your father is the aliens president," I balked, he chuckled and kissed me softly.

"Yep he sure is love, but no one knows, well, except for you now," he smiled brightly and added,"he suggested we marry each other quickly before you start showing." He rubbed my abdomen lovingly and pecked my lips.

"Did he now," I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened his kiss. I pulled back and looked at my sexy man.

"Your full name is Xavis Derix," I smiled at him. He pecked my lips and nodded.

"I'm off for the next few weeks, should we go to Central hub and get wed, it can be just you and I," he suggested nibbling on my neck. I was sighing in pleasure and nodded my head.

"Anything is fine with me love," I mumbled as his lips lowered down to my collar bone.

"We won't be doing anything if you don't stop," I grinned. I felt my zipper lowering.

"Oh we'll be busy doing something," he states as his mouth sucked on my nipple. I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair.

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