Chapter 9

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Emison breaking free

I figured I needed to get a job first off. I wasn't going to rely on the pair of lovers and I could recharge by sleeping next to them as long as I laid with an arm lovingly across one it would be enough, maybe. I leaned back against the headboard and sighed, I needed to just leave permanently. I was in an abandoned military zone and didn't know what was around the area. I gritted my teeth and put on a pair of combat boots. I grabbed a military gray hat, rolled up my hair and pulled it on my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I looked like a new female recruit. I found a pen and sheet of paper and wrote them a note.

Hey guys, I love you both but can see your love for each other is strong and I'm happy for you both, I'm going to find my own happiness, love you both always,


I snuck down the stairs and see them talking and kissing each other. I grinned at them and opened the door quietly. I looked outside and frowned, it was a large area. I started walking along the road looking for street signs. The road was dead, not one vehicle had passed me and I'd been walking a long way. The sun was setting as well. I looked around and saw nothing but vast desert which meant cold nights. Thankfully the cold wouldn't bother me, I hoped anyway. I stopped and saw lights coming towards me. It was an alien vehicle. I stood up straight as it stopped next to me.

"You're far from base recruit, need a lift back," the soldier asked. I grinned and nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and hoisted me into the vehicle and I sat next to his side.

"You're a female recruit," he grins looking down at my breasts. I chewed my lips at his heated stare.

"Yes sir, I got separated from the others," I state firmly and he chuckles.

"That's fine, you can stay with me for the night, until you can be sent back," he smirks. I smiled and looked over at him, he wasn't an AI, he was all alien male. His dark hair was buzzed along the sides, with long bangs over one side and his eyes were a bright green like mine, he was attractive. I watched as we entered a different militarized zone and he drove up to a large home. I raised my brow and looked at him. He obviously wasn't a normal soldier. I looked at his chest and saw several colored bands. Oh fuck he's high ranking. I could get myself in some deep shit. He offered me his hand and I put mine in his. He grins and pulls me up the stairs to his home.

"What's your name recruit," he asked me curiously.

"I'm Emi, Emi Jonathan sir," I mumble.

"I'm General Xavis, pleasure to meet you Emi," he smiled and kissed the top of my hand. My stomach dropped and I got extremely nervous. He opened his door and pulled me inside. It was furnished nicely. I went and sat on the small couch. I watched Xavis remove his jacket and hang it over a chair. He sat down and looked at me curiously. I swallowed and avoided his eyes. He sighed and leaned back.

"I'm not a recruit," I mumbled softly. He chuckled heartily and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm aware of that, since we don't have female recruits dear, our women stay at our dwellings and raise our young," he smirks.

"Please explain why you are in military clothing," he prodded. I inhaled sharply.

"I'm a drifter and was residing at the abandoned base. An uncomfortable situation arose and I left it," I mumble uncomfortably. He nodded his head and I removed my hat, letting my hair fall around my face. I looked up and he inhaled sharply. I brushed the strands with my fingers as he watched me. He stood and told me to follow him. I did slowly and watched him open a door to a small room in the back of the house.

"You can stay here in this room, there's a connected bathroom as well, goodnight Emi," he states quickly and walks up a small staircase at the right of me.

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