Stranded and alone

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The ship rocked as the waves crashed into it on all sides. Anastasia is a sailor among Killian, his brother, and others on the ship. She makes her way to where the two brothers stand.

"You two alright up here? You don't need any help?" I ask raising my brows at Killian.

They shake their heads and I go and sit back down. Killian's brother dies on that trip overtaken by the deadly nightshade.


"Killian come on. We have to go if you want to kidnap smee and use that bean." I holler.

I frown at the brunette woman who follows Killian onto the ship. I am the only woman on this ship yet I am not passed even a single glance from him.

Rumpelstiltskin boards the ship at that point.

"Killian..." I shakily whisper but he ignores my words and continues toward the scaly man.

"Well well looks like you finally found the family you could never have with me." He taunts her

Milah flashes the bean in front of his face and throws it to Killian who catches it in his hand. I thank god silently for it doesn't fall onto the floor and open a portal to who knows where.

"You asked to see it now you have," Killian warns.

"Do we have a deal? Can we go out separate ways?" Milah asks Rumple.

"Do you mean can I forgive you? Perhaps I can. I see you love. Just one question?" He raises one finger.

"What do you want to know?" She frowns.

"How could you leave bae?" His words are shaky, he's more than likely angrier than he is sad.

Ropes begin to fly free from the ship.

"Do you know what it's like walking home knowing I had to tell our son his mother was dead?" Rumple questions.

"I was wrong to lie to you I was a coward." She shakes her head.

"You left him!"

"And not a day goes by I don't feel sorry for that." She assures.

"Sorry is enough. You let him go."

"I let my misery cloud my judgment."

"Why were you so miserable."

"Because I never loved you!"

His hand plunges into her chest gripping her heart firmly.

"Milah!" Hook yells before being flung back into a pole tied down with ropes.

I rush over to Killian and try my best to untie him without Rumpelstiltskin seeing me but I'm soon flung and tied down myself. I watch helplessly beside Killian as he tears out Milah's heart and she lands on the floor. Killian, now free from the ropes rushed towards her and holds her in his arms.

Her heart is crushed and she lays lifeless on the floor after muttering an I love you to Killian. He jumps up ready to fight his love's murderer but is soon thwarted when his hand falls to the floor.

I yelp to Killian and I push the ropes that are laying on me off and slowly crawl towards Killian. He grabs a hook of one of the ships roped and lunges towards the dark one. He accomplishes nothing but a cut to the dark one's face before the man disappears into thin air.

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now