My mind flashed back to the night a week ago when we had both sat together after the shoot of the television commercial. A small smile lit up my face when I remembered our brief hug. His arms around me was the best comfort I could ever ask for.

Every night since that, all I could think about was being wrapped up in his arms. It has helped me doze off more quickly than before. No worries and no problems hiding under my bed. Just him and I on the makeshift street watching the dark skies and talking about the deep stuff.

For the love of God, I can't even tell what is going on with me. It's not as if I am liking someone for the first time.

"Wow, man. I didn't think you had it in you, buddy," someone spoke.

When I looked up, I saw a guy with dark hair and blue eyes, the same age as Skye, beaming at us weirdly. Apparently, Skye happened to know him with the way he passed him a dry look.

That guy was leaning his shoulder against the netted barricade, looking clearly smug.

"Shut up, assh-" Skye quickly stopped himself before glancing at me with an imperceptible red tint on his cheeks. He cleared his throat and looked back at his friend. "Asshat."

"Ooh, looks like I just got demoted in the insult category," the guy said sarcastically. "As if that's any better. But hey, you're making progress in a lot of fields lately." He winked at Skye before putting his entire attention on me.

I was watching the exchange with amusement. "Hey, I am Ivan. Best friend of this hot yet sadly brooding man here," he introduced himself with a flirty smile. He crossed his wrists outside the barricade and leaned more closer to the net.

"I am Valerie," I said, almost on the verge of laughing. He must have seen my expression because soon we were both in a laughing fit.

When I turned to look at Skye who was still towering over me a few feet away, he was glaring at us or more specifically at Ivan. It was as if he seemed to intercept our not so covert exchange. "What's so funny?" He asked after shooting daggers with his magnetic eyes.

"Is that jealousy I sense? Wow, I-"

I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence. "He doesn't have to be. I don't even like you. I mean - I… don't like you romantically?" I rushed out my words and soon regretted saying them. Smooth, eh?

"Ouch." Ivan put a hand on his heart and suppressed his grin at the same time.

"But I was not even jealous," Skye defended himself, looking like he would die out of embarrassment. Well, that makes the two of us, then.

Ivan completely ignored his statement and looked at me with a sly smile. I could already feel the wheels churning inside his head.

"What do you want, Ivan?" Skye asked his friend with a stern look.

I was relieved by that intervention because Ivan's stare was making me uncomfortable. Not in a creepy way but like a kid with a switch on his light bulb.

"Oh, nothing. Just admiring how you're so interested in a girl," he said as if I wasn't even present there so I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I-" Skye began to say something but he cut him off with a wave of his hands.

Ivan then turned to me with a huge grin. "I swear I have never seen him talking to girls his age." He started laughing.

"Thank you but you can shut up now." Skye glared and picked up a pebble. He hurtled it in his best friend's direction who easily dodged it by taking a step away from the netted barricade.

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