8: No or Yes Catfight?

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Grace beamed and interlocked our arms together, "We are so done!" wow that was quick! How did they finish without even a small catfight?

"Really?! That's great, so Dior did it with you?" we were skipping to our lockers, pushing pass a huge crowd on the corridors.

"Yeah, she was like, 'I don't like what you did, it's boring'

'here, insert this'

'No way I'll present that thing'

'ew don't you have taste' blah blah blah"

she mimicks Diors fake high-pitched voice.

I laughed at her exaggerating impersonation, it was hilarious! Dior never had a squeaky high-pitched voice, which would be Shelby and Nicole's. We reached our lockers and our giggles stopped. I entered my code and got the things I needed for the first half of the day.

Grace faced me as she slams her locker shut, "Enough about me, how's Shelby?" I don't want to talk about it. I know she was referring to our partner power.

I gave her a face which clearly means 'no one knows' "She is out playing barbie dolls and cooks them fake chicken while I..." I pointed "was left to do all her work shares for the poetry."

Grace scoffed, "Well, well, who does she thinks she is?!" I know right!

"Tell me about it" We started to march to our Spanish class but I was dumbfounded when I turned and saw Zach with a concerned expression plastered on his face, just a few feet away from us.

I averted my gaze and continued to walk with Grace who remained ignorant of Zach's presence. I wonder what's going on in his mind though; he has to be the jocky-funny guy and not that serious and concerned Zach.

Lunch came like a flash of light, as Grace and I went our way to the cafeteria, a Freshman boy with this very thick glasses - nerdy glasses in fact - was being shoved around by a group of seniors, Jake being the boss that he is, picked up the little boy by the collar and calmly spoke "Just fifty bucks dude and you're good to go"

I shook my head and grabbed Grace's wrist to Jake's way, "What are you doing?" Grace whispered clueless to my ears.

Oh right, she doesn't know that Jake and I are now closer because of the parties we have gone to and the mutual relationship of our families; And maybe I can also give him commands, Why? Because I feel it in my guts that Jake 'the Adonis' Wilder has this feels over my lovely sister and all I got to do is use it as an advantage! Yeah, genious!

"Jake" I interrupted his dirty transaction calmly as I can be.

All the jocks faced me, some sneered and some glared.

Jake looked at me confused but with a small smirked on his face.

"What are you doing? Again?" I asked in a rhetorical manner as I remind him about his bullying habit.

Jake released the youngster who was trembling in fear.

"Lexi. We're just teaching this freshie a lesson."

"And what lesson is that? By the looks of it," I thought for a while, "You're harassing this young boy"

"I am not. He spilled his soda on my shirt, he has to pay. Easy as that!" I checked his white shirt dripping with Pepsi and watched the reaction of his buddies, I faced down feeling ashamed of why do I need to play hero?

But thoughts flashed to my little head and I looked up back at Jake, But that's just a shirt, and last time I remembered, Emery spilled lemonade on your expensive suit. Yeah, nice backup, I inwardly gave myself a high five.

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