Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Wrapping her arms around him as he snuggled in deeper she played with his hair until she felt his body relax and his breathing deepen. This was uncharted territory for Marnie, she didn't share her bed with anyone, in reality apart from Joshie and her sister she didn't share her heart either. She loved her friends but she kept the deep part of herself protected only letting them see so far before making sure her walls were securely in place. However, the more time she spent with this man the more he was getting under her skin and breaking through her defences. Shutting her eyes her mind reminded her before she drifted off, Just one more night then she could get back to her normal life.

The following morning, she awoke to the strangest feeling, It was like she was wrapped up in a heavy blanket but instead she realised it was Henry. Somehow in the night he had shifted himself his arm now laid heavy over her stomach and his leg was wrapped in between hers, effectively cocooning her in his embrace. The most alarming was his face was nestled now into her neck, with each gentle breath it was causing goosebumps to sprout all over her body. Lifting her arm she pulled herself onto her side her hand holding his side so she didn't wake him. Feeling a little less claustrophobic she took the time to breathe, whilst watching him sleep. The Pacifier had been lost in the night and in this moment of sleep, she could almost see the man he was. That was until he opened his eyes slowly, then noticing her he giggled. All illusions disappeared as he said "Moning miss ma."

She sighed and then smiled back "Morning Pumpkin, did you sleep ok?" nodding his head enthusiastically as he said "Uh haa, I's had bestest sweep eba, oouu scawed da mostas away an Henwry sweep weally good" she chuckled at his babbled comment, then realising Joshie would be up soon she decided to start the day. She lifted her hand and bushed a curl from out of his eyes before saying " Ok, Mr, time to get up and get going. We have a big day of playing with Joshie ahead." His smile became even bigger at this thought, he sat up and jumped out of bed. Wishing she had half of his energy she struggled out of her side and walked into the bathroom. Running Henry a bath she turned to help him undress.

Her happy surprise this morning was that he was dry, hoping this meant he was beginning to age up she looked at him and asked "how old do you feel this morning Henry?" he looked at her furrowing his brow and said "ummm, fwee?" it wasn't the expected answer but he phrased it as a question so there was hope.

Leaving him for the moment playing with the toys she went to check on Joshie, peeking her head into the room she saw him sprawled out on his tummy legs splayed and head nuzzled into his pillow. She chuckled quietly at the echo of how Henry slept. Leaving him be knowing that once he was awake she would have divided attention she walked back to check on the big boy in her ensuite. She stood at the door watching him play, the dinosaurs were attacking the boat causing it to sink.

Such imagination, it sparked an idea in her head walking back to her desktop which was always on she keyed out a few dot points before heading back to the bathroom. Once again she helped him out and dried him off, this time however she made him sit on the toilet hoping to start getting him weaned off the diapers that would at least help his brother. Popping him in a pull-up and a jeans and t-shirt outfit that Heidi had bought he almost looked like an adult except for the superman flying across his chest and the pacifier pinned to his shoulder.

Hand in hand they walked to the living room where Marnie left him watching nickelodeon cartoons whilst she started breakfast. Just as she finished her preparations, she heard a conversation begin alerting her that Joshie was now up and had made his way to the living room. Standing at the kitchen bench she listened "Atman is da bestest hewo, he can fwy, an fight da bad peoples" the answered response was just as she thought it would be "nuuuu, supes can fwy not atman, hess only float, an supes is swong and canst be killed." Just as she could hear their voices start to elevate she intervened "That's enough boys, they are both good hero's and they fight together too don't they? Aren't they friends?" both boys looked back at her with puzzled faces before Henry said with what sounded like authority "mmmmm day fought Miss Ma, but day did come fwends along wif ason." There was that name again calling the boys to breakfast she set them up this time with toast something easy for both of them to eat on their own.

Whilst they ate she took her phone out and looked up batman, superman and ason. Laughing at the search results she saw Jason Momoa come up along with Aquaman and Justice League. That's when she almost dropped the phone, there big smile beaming on the screen was Henry with his arm around Jason. Looking at the caption it read "Henry Cavill and Jason Mamoa at the Justice League premiere" Looking across as the big man hands fisted around his toast stuffing it in his mouth she inwardly trembled, was she hosting a superstar?  

A/N ohhh oooohhhhh, :) if you liked this chapter please vote and comment. Also if you are a little writer I would love some help in spelling the three and four-year-old words. I am just guessing at this point :) till next time Selah 

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