Once they arrived to science room three, Haruhi opened the door, revealing Tamaki hugging a mannequin with a pink two-piece that had ruffles and a short brown wig supplemented the models head.

"Uhh..." Y/n began in a weirded out tone as she and her sister stood near the doorway. The only light that was evident in the room was coming from the door Haruhi opened, allowing the light from the hallway to seep inside the room.

"Excuse me." Haruhi's deadpanned tone caught the attention of Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru.

Tamaki speedily turned to face the door and began to internally scream. "H-Haruhi, Y/n! Haruhi, you're the real one! But when did you two get here?!" He hurled the mannequin to the side.

"Kirimi-Chan came to the clubroom again today looking for you. If you've got time to do disgusting things like this," Haruhi's brown eyes looked like they had flames in them, "surely you can spare the time to hang out with her for a while."

"What? Disgusting?!" Tamaki gasped in terror with tears in his eyes. In a split second, he was in a corner with his front towards the wall.

Hikaru and Kaoru laughed hysterically as the word 'disgusting' repeated in Tamaki's head.

"Why don't you keep her company Haruhi, Y/n?" Kyoya questioned, standing a couple of feet away from them. "What's wrong--don't like children?"

"No, it's not like that at all." Y/n denied sincerely. "But this girl made me do her hair five different times and each time I finished off a hairstyle she'd say that she didn't like it and make me do her hair again. When she finally liked how I did her hair was when I did pigtails for her--the hairstyle that she already had before she even asked me to do her hair."

"And she's made me read about fifty volumes of shojo manga to her over the last three days. And to my surprise, those things really are full of reverse harems and debauchery." Haruhi affirmed.

"Big brother?" A soft voice called into the room.

Everyone turned their attention to Kirimi who was behind the cracked open door, peeking into the ill-lit room.

She whimpered as tears swelled up in her blue eyes. "This room is dark and scary!" Her voice trembled.

Y/n and Haruhi approached the small girl. Y/n crouched down to the blond girl's height and placed her hand on Kirimi's head in a comforting manner. "Oh, Kirimi-Chan! We told you to wait for us back in the clubroom."

Tamaki snapped out of his depressed state and advanced towards the weeping child. "What's wrong, little one? There, there, calm down." He lifted her up, standing in the hallway. "You see? There's nothing to be afraid of."

Kirimi giggled and Tamaki began to gently spin her around in the lit up corridor.


Everyone turned their concentration to Renge, then at Nekozawa who was holding a flashlight and had his back towards them.

"I am a handsome, princely big brother--I am a handsome, princely big brother--I am a handsome, princely big brother." Nekozawa continued to repeat himself and Tamaki made his way back into the room while putting Kirimi back down.

"And I'm not afraid of this flashlight! Self evil beam!" Nekozawa exclaimed and turned on the flashlight, making the light hit him directly in the face.

"He did it!" Honey observed in awe.

"Whoa." Mori accompanied in his deep voice and softly clapped.

"Nekozawa-Senpai's come a long way. He's able to shine a flashlight in his own face." Renge pointed out with a proud smile.

The twins bursted small party poppers. "Bravo, Senpai. Bravo." They congratulated indifferently.

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