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[ ties that bind; part one ]


Javier opened his eyes, blinking several times before he realized that he was in a truck. 'How did I...oh wait! ' He thought when he remembered he was ambushed by assholes accusing him of taking their gas. Then he let it slip that there were more, so they took him back to the little building in the junkyard, calling out his people.

His family.

Kate, Mari, and Gabe.

He did his best to protect them by knocking out one of their men as they hid, but he was greeted with a pistol whip to the face from the leader of the assholes.

Javier gasped as he looked down and saw that his hands were tied up with zip ties. He struggled against his restraints when he looked over at the driver. "Hey– my family. Where are they?" He asked. "What did you do with my family?"

The last thing he knew was that they were hiding under the building. He prayed that these assholes didn't find them and that they were still safe.

The man didn't reply, and Javier glared at him. "Just do us both a favor and pretend you're still asleep," the man ordered him. "I wouldn't start talking if I were you. You're lucky we do things a certain way. I'm already tempted to put a bullet in your brain for what you did to Lonnie back there."

Javier continued to stare at him, not saying a word just so he wouldn't get the man angry. "We still got a haul ahead of us, and I'm not about to listen to y– What the hell?" The man exclaimed as a tree started to fall. 

"Stop. Stop!" Javier yelled at the man. 

"Ah, shit!" The man exclaimed as the tree landed right in front of them, causing him to steer the truck right into a ditch.

Javier shook his head before noticing a gun on the dashboard in front of him. He looked over to see the man knocked out and grabbed the gun, getting out of the truck. The man woke up, then scrambled out of the truck and began to run.

Javier chased after him and then raised the gun. "Hey!" He exclaimed, and the man stopped, turning and raising his hands. 'How can I shoot a man when he's unarmed?' Javier thought as he rolled his eyes and lowered his gun. The man nodded in thanks and ran off.

Javier sighed when he felt something on his back. He turned his head just in time to see a gun. "Fuck...." he muttered as he faced forward. "Yeah, all right..." he dropped the gun. 

"That's good. Just keep looking forward," a voice ordered. 

"Please. I just...I need help," he pleaded as he turned his head slightly to his left.

"Well, that's obvious. The way your friend there ran off. I don't think he's likely to come back and save you," the voice said. He heard footsteps and he turned to see a figure bend down and pick up the gun.

The figure stood up, themselves to be a girl with short curly brown hair, amber eyes, and a hat with a 'D ' on top of her unruly hair. She didn't look that old...at least thirteen or fourteen. Javier also noticed that there was a scar on the girl's forhead, just above her eyebrow. "Okay. Now, don't do anything stupid. 'Cause I'm not a nice as you. I won't hesitate," the girl warned. She moved her gun away from him, walking past him and toward the truck. 

"You're a kid..." Javier said in disbelief as she reached the truck. "Wait. Did you do that? With the tree?" he asked. 

"I was trying to stop the truck," Clementine answered as she jumped down into the ditch and looked inside the truck. "Shit. She's gonna kill me," she muttered. 

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