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[ all that remains; part one ]

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[ all that remains; part one ]


It was a slightly bright, fall afternoon. A nine-year-old girl and a fourteen-year-old girl were looking up at an old oak tree, listening to the sounds of the birds flying south for the winter. The two girls looked back at the man and very pregnant woman as they made their way towards the rest stop.

"Omid, you can't be serious," Christa started.

It had been several long months since they lost Lee, but they were good ones, somewhat calm and nice. "We are not doing that."

"Why not?" Omid questioned with a grin, now walking a bit ahead of the pregnant woman.

"Because! We're not calling our baby Omid. One of you is enough," sighing, Christa looked back at Clementine and Kassidy, "Girls, a little help here?"

"Omid the second."


"Omid Junior?"


"You have to admit, it has a ring to it."

"What if it's a girl?" Clementine asked, her voice quiet and soft. She had become quite soft spoken ever since they left Savannah, realizing that quietness was the key to survival.

"Then we name her Christa!" Omid exclaimed, grinning over at his wife and the two kids

"But I'm Christa. I don't wanna call her Christa. That's just confusing," the woman sighed, shaking her head.

"Okay, Genevieve it is then!"

Christa tilted her head back, laughing, "Absolutely not! You're not taking this seriously, at all."

"Nah, I'm with Christa. You've git some weird name choices," Kassidy chimed in after a long minute of silence.

Clementine walked over to a can of beans on the ground and picked it up, hoping it was good.

It was wasn't.

It was obviously spoiled, so she dropped it back down to the ground with a small sigh.

"All the girls are gaining up on me," Omid gripped his heart as he spoke, a snort of amusement coming from Kass. "Why don't you girls get clean up in the girl's room?" he offered, after seeing the look Christa gave him when she walked into the men's room.

Clem sighed, voice dropping in tone, "I hope the sink works in there."

Kassidy looked around, glancing back at the treeline. "I'll keep watch," she offered, arms crossed over her chest.

Omid looked back at her, concerned, "You sure?"

The brunette shrugged her shoulders, pulling her gun from her hip, "Sure enough."

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