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[ around every corner; part one ]


Savannah was deserted.

There were no walkers. No people. No tires on cars.

Kassidy walked beside Kenny, who still wouldn't look at her. The atmosphere was tense as they walked through the street with weapons in hand, eyes peeled for any walkers or unfriendly people.

Lee had Clem's walkie-talkie in his pocket so Kass had suspected him of knowing about the man who had been lying to Clem, saying how he had her parents with him.

"Can't I just hold it?" Clementine asked Lee who only looked at her, disappointed, and carried on. "Just for a little while? We're getting really close to where my mom and dad are, maybe I can-"

"Not now, Clementine. Right now, I need you to focus and keep your attention on the street," Lee told her, turning toward Christa. "How's Omid?"

"His leg's hurt pretty bad," she responded, worried.

"I'm fine," Omid insisted as Christa frowned. "You're not fine, you need to rest," she told him, turning back to Lee, " he needs to rest."

"Kenny, how much further to the riverfront?" Lee asked the man ahead.

Kenny looked back at them, sighing. "Should be just a few more blocks up ahead," he replied quietly.

"Will there be boats there?" Christa asked.

"Sure as hell better be..." Lee huffed out.

"There'll be boats. Have to be, have to be," Kenny concluded, holding out hope. God knows they could do with some right now.

"I trust Dad. If he says there are boats, there are boats," Kass chimed in, giving them some reassurance and hope. "Me too," Clementine added, smiling.

Church bells suddenly started to chime, causing the group to halt to a stop. "What the hell...?" Ben questioned, confused as everyone looked around. Lee looked up at the Church steeple, watching the big bell moving from side to side.

"Maybe this city's not so dead after all..." Christa remarked.

"Keep moving. No one's ringing that bell, it's automatic, on a timer," Kenny told them.

Lee glanced at his watch, "What kind of church bell goes off at twenty past the hour?" he asked, before Kenny could respond, Lee looked back up at the church and saw someone running across the roof, jumping down on the opposite side. "Someone's up there!" Lee exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked, confused. "I don't see anything."

"I know what I saw! I'm telling you, there's someone up in that bell tower! Someone alive!"

Clem's walkie talkie suddenly made a static noise from Lee's belt. "I'd get out of the street, if I were you..."

"I thought you said that thing didn't work?" Christa raised an eyebrow.

Lee ignored her as he spoke into the walkie talkie. "Who the hell is this? Hello? Hello? I said answer me!" he snapped, getting no reply and only static.

"What the hell was that?" Omid questioned just when the bell stopped. "Is someone trying to fuck with us?"

"Sounds more like a warning," Ben murmured, glancing around with a worried look.

Chuck glanced down the street, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls..."

Kenny turned to look at him, "What the hell are you yammering about?"

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