{Chapter Eight}

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"And all these sorrows I have seen
They lead me to believe
That everything's a mess"
- Dream (Imagine Dragons)



ARYA WASN'T EXPECTING A FIGHT ON TOP OF EVERYTHING ELSE TODAY, but it was a welcome change of pace. She would have taken anything to get her out of her thoughts. It was even more of a stress reliever when she learned they were fighting a monster and not anything close to a human. Arya couldn't feel sympathy for a monster like she could a person. To her, all monsters were good for getting her anger out, and that's just what she wanted to do when she heard Annabeth's voice screaming to scatter from the forest.

The girl jumped into action at the sound, summoning her spear into her hands, and running off into the forest. She felt rather naked without armor on. More than anything though, it excited her. This was her first time fighting a monster outside of camp, and anything could happen. What she wasn't expecting, was to come face to face with a Hydra.

Now, Arya's biggest fear wasn't the Hydra, there were much scarier things than that. However, Arya thought anyone who claimed not to be scared of a Hydra was a complete idiot. Unless there was a particular demigod who could control fire, a Hydra was near impossible to beat. The likelihood of finding fire in the middle of the wilderness was slim to none. Even the baby one that was crawling and attacking her friends in front of Arya shook her to her core.

As soon as she reached them she watched as Percy let his instincts take over and slice one of the heads off the hydra, to which both Annabeth and Arya yelled at him in protest.

Tyson and Arya had a little team up moment as he pounded the Hydra heads with its fists what Arya assaulted its body. She could only do it so long before she would almost get burned by the acid. Once Tyson tired out Arya gave up and ran back to Percy and Annabeth who were slowly, but continually, retreating while still attempting to fight the monster.

"Two siblings who can control water, a girl with an invisible cap, and a child cyclopes don't exactly give us the tools we need to defeat this thing. So unless anyone's hiding secret fire powers I don't know about. I think we need to run." Arya said as she ducked to avoid an acid spit coming her way.

Then, far down a river a faint noise could be heard. A chugging sound that was so powerful it practically made the whole riverbank shake.

"What's that noise?" Annabeth yelled, clearly annoyed at the whole situation.

"Steam engine" Tyson responded, back completely turned to the Hydra.

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