{Chapter Five}

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"When you're round the bend/Close your eyes and count to ten
I'd walk through hell and back again/Anywhere you go"
- Into the Storm (BANNERS)



CLARISSE HAD JUST FINISHED SEEING THE ORACLE, and was deep in her thoughts when a rather menacing voice made her jump. She turned to see Arya standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, a dark look on her face. It wasn't her normal dark face that she used during capture the flag or sparring. It was a dark look that would make even the war god himself get chills down his spine. Clarisse had never seen Arya like this. Part of her was scared, although her mind was denying it and she wasn't going to show it.

"You get two people to go with you. I need you to take Percy and Annabeth" She stated. Not really leaving room for an argument, which made Clarisse  temporarily forget her fear. Instead, anger boiled inside of her.

"Absolutely not. I'm taking who I choose. And the last two people I choose, would be them." She snapped back.

Arya pushed herself off of the doorway and stepped up to Clarisse, straightening her posture as if she was getting ready for a fight. Clarisse did the same, attempting to assert her dominance over Arya. Despite the fact that Clarisse was taller by a head, a fight between them would be quick with Arya's skill level.

"You know it should be him on this quest. Get over the fact that you don't get along and bring him with you. It will make everything a whole lot easier" Arya seethed through her teeth. She didn't understand why Clarisse was always so stubborn.

"He got his quest last year. This is mine." She stated pointing to her chest. The gesture was so ridiculous in Aryas mind that she had to hold back a laugh and an eye roll.

"Why are you doing this? Making things harder for yourself?" Arya asked. Her voice was low enough that it could have been a growl. Her body reacted in an opposite manner though. Arya stepped back from her square up with Clarisse. Knowing, that a physical fight was not going to solve anyone's problems.

"I've been waiting forever for a quest, and now I finally have one. But the minute I let Percy and Annabeth come along. It will no longer be mine. It will be his. I can do this myself." She explained.

Any comeback Arya had ready, left ear body about as fast as her anger did. She wasn't expecting to see eye-to-eye with Clarisse, she was expecting an argument and then some sort of compromise or deal. But Clarisse had just summed up her feelings in such a simple way that no one would be able to argue against it. Arya was reminded once again that Clarisse was a demigod like everyone else, who just wanted to prove herself to her father even though he will never actually care.

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