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Camilas pov

It's Saturday and Lauren is coming over to get me, we are going shopping with her mom.

I've got showered and done my hair and make up, I'm now getting dressed.

I grab a bag and put the things I'll need in their, also get Lauren's sweater and put it in there

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

I grab a bag and put the things I'll need in their, also get Lauren's sweater and put it in there.

"Mija, someone is here for you" mom said, i smile softly and nod

"Thanks mom" I say, I leave and look at Lauren

"Hi" she said, I smile

"Hi" I say, she opens my car door and I get in then she does.

"You two don't need to be shy, you can kiss" Clara said, I go a little wide eyed and did Lauren

"Uh, it's okay mom" Lauren said, Clara chuckles

"You don't need to be shy, you're in love show it, it's not good to hide your love for someone" Clara said, Lauren looks at me and I softly shook my head.

"Let's just go to the mall" I say, Lauren nods and starts to drive

When we got there Lauren opened my door and her mother's, she also grabbed my bag and took my hand.

We did some shopping and also went and got some food, as we were eating I was also talking to Clara getting to know and also Lauren better, as they were also getting to know me better.

"Camila, you got some food on your face" Lauren giggles, I blush and whip my mouth

"No...here" she leans over and whips it off my face, when she did she looks at my eyes keeping her hand on my face.

"There" she whispers, I gulp softly and nod

"Thanks" I whisper, she nods and leaves back in her seat with a soft blush.

"How long have you two been together?" Clara asked, Lauren looks at me and I look at her

"A few months" I say, Clara nods

"It was on and off at the start" Lauren said, her mom looked like she wanted more information though.

"I wasn't ready for a relationship when Lauren asked me out, so I broke up with her then wanted her back and just stuff like that" I say, Clara nods.

"Your daughter is a great girlfriend it was just me not being able to make up my mind" I say, Clara smiles.

"Now I'm hoping you want to keep her" Clara said, I giggle and nod

"Yeh" I cringe

"I'm going to use the bathroom" I say, Clara nods and I go

As I came out of a stall to wash my hands I saw Lauren leaning against a wall, she walks over and I look at her as I wash my hands.

"You okay?" She asked, I nod

"Yeh, your moms nice" I say, she nods

"Thanks for doing this" Lauren said, I nod

"I don't see why you don't just tell her the truth, it's your life and your body you can do what you want with it" I say, she nods.

"My family just isn't like that, they're catholic, not the whole no sex before marriage type but not to sleep around. I'm lucky they accept me for being how I am, I just want to be the perfect child for them because I feel like if I'm not, they won't love me anymore" she said, I look at her with a frown.

"Lauren, I'm sure they will" I say, she shook her head

"I don't want to take the chances, my mom and dad seemed upset when they thought I slept around, it scared me they became distant and stuff" she said, I nod.

"It's okay, come on let's go before your mom thinks we are having sex" I say, Lauren laughs

"I think she'll be okay with it" Lauren said, I giggle

"Why does she want us to kiss so bad? It's weird" I say, Lauren shook her head

"Only god knows" Lauren said, I smile and she wraps her arm around my shoulders as we walk out.

After dinner we do a little more shopping, we then go to the arcade. We just talk and play some games, Lauren's mom was super cool and fun to hang with.

"Hey" Lauren whispers as she wraps her arms around my waist, I look at her and nod she holds a Teddy out for me, I blush and take it.

"Thank you for helping me" Lauren whispers in my ear, I smile and nod

"It's okay" I whisper, she smiles and kisses my cheek

We play a few more games before going back to Lauren's car, we put the bags in the trunk and then get in.

"I'm going to name the teddy jauregui" I say, Lauren smiles looking at me I smile back.

She drives me home and gets out and stands by my door with me, she had her hands on my shoulders as mine were on her waist.

"Thank you, for all of this" Lauren said, I nod

"It's okay" I say, she nods

"My moms watching" she said, I giggle and she smiles

"I'm sorry" she said, I frown

"For what?" I ask, she leans down and kisses me I was wide eyed and she pulls back

"At least she cant see your face" Lauren said, I nod and whip my lips

"As I said, I'm sorry" she whispers, I nod

"Yeh...uh here" I say, I go in my bag and get her hoodie, she takes it and nods.

"Bye Lauren" I say, she nods and I go in my house

I see my mom in the living room with my dad and little sister, they were watching tv.

"Have fun with your friend sweetie?" Dad asked, I nod

"Yeh, it was fine, I'm going to bed" I say, they nod and we say goodnight and I go upstairs.

I wake a shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, get some pyjamas on and lay in bed, I grab my book and glasses and read.

I couldn't get the image of Lauren kissing me from my mind, I mean I don't know how to feel about it, I know she didn't mean it but she also took my first kiss.

I put my book away, take my glasses off and just get some sleep.

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