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Camilas pov

I was walking the school halls as I seen a poster, it wasn't for the cheer squad. I look and saw it was for glee, I smile and wrote my name down and carried on walking to my locker. On the way I got pushed into lockers and onto the floor, my books would be smacked out of my hands and onto the floor.

One day they will all be standing at my concert cheering for me.

Soon it was lunch, I sat at a table and got my food from my bag I also got a book, I put my reading glasses on and ate as I read my book.

I hear loud voices and looked the football team, i sigh as I saw the star Lauren Jauregui, she winks and me and I roll my eyes.

As I was eating the football team came and sat at my table, I sigh and took the hint I got up and got my stuff.

Lauren grabs my lunch bag and looked in it, I sigh as she got some of my food then gave it back. She always takes my food but leaves me with enough, she is a bully but a nice one I guess, anyone else would just take it all, she just took an apple and cookie.

"Give it to me" one of the boys said, I sigh and do but Lauren got it and gave it back

"Should have been quicker, nothing left" Lauren said, she pushes me away and I leave

I sit in the empty Halls, I put my headphones on and find my page carrying on with reading my book.

When the bell went I smile, last lesson then I get to go home.

Lauren's pov
*her day*

I was at football practice, i have been the star of this team since I've joined, no ones better than me.

When it was over we go get showered and back in our clothes, for me that was some skinny jeans, a jersey with my last name on it and some Nike running shoes.

We make our way to the cafeteria talking about the game that is coming up, when we get there I see camila cabello looking at me, I wink at her and she looks away I smirk as I could see her blush all the way from over here.

"Let's go sit down" I say, they nod and I sit at camilas table, she sighed and got her stuff getting up.

I grab her lunch bag and see what's in it, I take an apple and cookie, leaving her with a banana and other half of her sandwich.

I gave it back to her but Liam took it off her, I took it off him.

"Should have been quicker nothing left" I say, he frowns and I push camila so she would leave, Liam looks at me weird.

"Dude there was food left" he said, i shrug

"The girls as small as a twig, let her eat" I say, he shook his head and I threw the cookie at him, he smiles and eats it.

We talk for a while before going to last lesson, I walk in and see camila, I sit next to her and she sighed.

When we had the work sheets handed out I copy her, she tried to hid her answers but I moved her arm.

"You shouldn't copy" she said, I look at her

"You shouldn't be a nerd" I say, she frowns

"And why not?" She asked, i shrug

"It's dumb" I say, she shook her head

"But isn't a nerd smart?" She asked, i kick her leg softly and she chuckles shaking her head

Soon it was the end of the day

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