"Bella is human, which means she can't know about things like vampires, she was going to die had Alice not shown the Volturi Bella's future, which was her, as an immortal," I seethed, Jacob flinching back a bit. 

"The Cullens together have spent hundreds of years on this planet, I'm sure they'll find a way around the bite thing because I don't know if you noticed this, but the bite isn't what makes a vampire, it's the venom, they could use a fucking syringe if they wanted to," I yelled raising my hands in frustration as I took more steps towards Jacob, his angry demeanor dropping little by little. 

I looked into his eyes, my body halting making me growl as I looked away from him before taking in a breath and turning back to face him.

"Jake, honey, Bella, and Edward are mated, so regardless of how you feel for her, it was going to happen," I told him, wrapping my arm around his back as I pulled him into a side hug. 

"Come on, I'm gonna tell you guys everything," I said with a smile on my face towards him. He smiled back and there he was, the same Jake I used to make mudpies with. He sighed a bit, letting me bring him towards the porch.

"The Volturi is the most powerful covens of all time, they're old, ancient, and their coven is filled with very powerful vampires. The 3 Kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, brothers, rule them. Aro has the ability to read every thought someone has ever had, with a single touch, Marcus, can sense the strength of relationships between people, and Caius has no known power, but he is the most strict," I began. 

"They're my Uncles, they trained me during the summers with my old pack, and their guard became like a second family to me, and they still kind of are. I think. Now the only coven that truly poses a threat to them is the Olympic Coven, the Cullens. Covens are not normally that big, so they're wary of them. Not only that but since Edward can read minds without touch, Alice being a clairvoyant, Tywin being able to sense auras, and Jasper being an empath, their powers are some that they want," I told them.

"Actually they want all of them, vampires naturally have this enhanced beauty effect, but Rosalie's is more prominent, Dr.Cullen is very neutral around human blood, as if doesn't bother him, Emmett, who is much stronger than your average vampire, and Esme shares her husbands' self-control effect," I explained. 

"It'd be one thing if Bella was Edward's blood singer, but no, she's his mate, so eventually she was going to have to turn, or else she'd die due to old age and that's only if the Volturi let her live that long. Once again, she's human, so she's not really allowed to know about these things, so if the Cullens didn't change her or kill her, the Volturi would, and they don't give second chances, so she'd be dead," I finished. 

"I thought you said you could influence them since their family?" Jared asked.

"I can, to a point, but I can't count on that to keep Bella alive. I'm sorry if I betrayed any of your trusts by knowing this, but they are very powerful, winning a fight with the Volturi isn't something anyone has managed to do," I said rubbing my face tiredly. 

"Actually you just increased it," Sam said, patting my shoulder, and giving it a small squeeze.

"I knew you couldn't-" Paul started but I cut him off. 

"I know what you're gonna say. It wasn't that I couldn't tell you anything, I was just kinda scared because I know your whole thing was that vamps are a no-no, but I've been around them my whole life. I just didn't want to, disappoint you," I said as I brought my knees closer to me. 

I'm suddenly punched in the side, hard.

"Ow, what the hell?" I said looking at Sam. 

"You could never disappoint us, we're your family too Audre. You think if we can handle Jake whining about Bella we can't handle your multiple affiliations?" Sam said with a chuckle. 

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