"Yes, we are," Sasha replies. "We will let you go and speak soon." They hang up.

Placed the phone on the side. "That went well, but now you need more attention." I told her, and she giggled. 

My body is burning, yearning with pure desire for her. My lips press over her exposed skin, leaving little pimples. 

A warm shiver shoots through me, and we make love. Couldn't get enough of her. I'd wake during the night just to make sure she's still in my arms and I wasn't dreaming. 


We're wandering around the city doing a little shopping in Hawaii. We travelled to Gretna Greene to marry and flew here for our honeymoon. 

I had to ask her or face losing her to someone else, and that wasn't a risk I wanted to take. I remembered she was going to visit her brother, but when I got there, her father said she was leaving the country. 

I didn't have time to think about talking to the parents. I needed to stop her from leaving. 

My heart ached and wouldn't stop pounding.

She was in the airport ready to board her flight, and I got down on one knee and spilt my guts to her. 

Revealing to her how much she means to me and how I loved her. I took her hand and asked her, assuring her I didn't want to lose her. 

I told her I wanted to marry right away. She was hesitant. But I asked if she loved me, and she said she did without hesitating. 

That's when she smiled and said yes, she would marry me. My god, I couldn't get on my jet quick enough.

We married in a small church in Scotland. She wore a beautiful white dress just above the knee and looked beautiful. 

She was the perfect bride. I was in a grey suit. Our eyes locked, not glancing at the vicar. We said the traditional vows signed the marriage certificate and got on the plane to Hawaii. 

We've been here for five days. And it's been breathtaking. My body is still high from all the excitement and the adrenaline that is rushing through my veins.

Can't take my hands from her. They're glued. We sit to have a drink. I can't stop kissing her, telling her how much I love her. 

I feel like I could float away. "Sasha, you're beautiful." She smiles. "Archer, you keep telling me every five minutes." Smiled at her, pulled her close to kiss her. 

We took a few photos to keep to show the family.

We strolled unhurriedly back to the hotel so I could have her to myself. I know it's the honeymoon, but I hope it'll always be like this. 

My parents are like it all the time. We enter our room to have a huge bouquet waiting for us. Sasha glanced at the card. 

"Congratulations. Have fun catch up with you when you get back from the honeymoon. Love Mum and Dad." She smiled and tilts to smell the flowers. 

"They also sent a bottle of champagne. The expensive stuff." I said admiring the bottle in my hand. She rests her head on my shoulder.

Popped the bottle to fill two glass. Hand a glass to Sasha. "To my beautiful wife and a lifetime of happy memories," I said for a toast we clinked glasses. 

She takes a sip, gazes into my eyes. "So, you plan on keeping me?" She made me smile. Take the glass from her hand to place on the table with mine.

Pinned her to the wall. "Now I have you. You're not going anywhere, and I'm not letting any guy near you." Her lips curl into a sexy smile, giving me a warm shiver. 

Our lips lock into a steamy kiss. Place my hands on her ass, squeezing her bum cheeks. She moans into my mouth.


This is our last night here, and we're in a restaurant sitting having a romantic dinner. The last two weeks have gone too fast. 

Only wish we could stay longer, but we both need to get back to the office. But I don't see why the honeymoon would have to end here. After all, she's my secretary, and now she's my wife. 

How cliche it all sounds. But it occurs. That's how my father met my mother. I just hope our honeymoon never ends, just like my parents. I love Sasha. 







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