Chapter117: The Copycat is a Bad girl

Start from the beginning

Purple mist coated her from head to toe and raising two of her hands to the skies—she shot beams of an unknown aura.

Garmadon gasped, immediately taking cover behind a bush. "Then this means..." he observes her quietly, as the jungle around them is getting reduced to ruckus every minute. The trees, the leaves, they all have been burned down and destroyed.

"And you!! Why are you acting like I'm just some disposable?! That's not me! Did you not remember what you told me?! When we defeated Zackery!!" Her eyes flared in his direction, she knew where he was hiding.

He mutters, not peeking his head out for even a second. "Then that prince was right about what he said...she really is.."

He hears a sharp scream. That's when he decides to show himself. It was always at the times when she was in trouble when he does so. He keeps his guard up.

Magic energy shoots out of her hands and he even sees Harumi clenching her fists—in an attempt to compose herself.

"What in FSM are you doing?!" He runs to her, despite knowing that she could shoot him down and cause serious injuries. "Don't keep it in!" He yells.

Harumi shakes her head, frantically shaking back and forth to try and stop. "My heart...hurts...beating too fast...I-I want it to stop!! Make it stop!!" She yelled back, seeming to panic more and more as she felt the power rush through her veins. Too much power, even.

She couldn't handle it, it was overwhelming. It was if she had lost control...but did she even have control in the first place?

He formed a strategy in his mind. The oni lord sighed and stepped closer to the overwhelmed jade princess. "Then make it stop yourself, don't always ask people for help." He told her, not intending to comfort her this time.

It was a plan of his, it wasn't like he didn't care, it was really because he wanted her to—Garmadon's head was flung to the left as he suffered a punch.

"You just really don't care about others, do you?" Harumi sniffled, her eyes showing sign of her humanity and the power fading away from her palms.

She took his intentions in the wrong way possible and turned away, running back to the campsite herself to recover.
With the tent all zipped up, Harumi sobbed into her sweatshirt that acted as a makeshift pillow. When she was transported here, she had nothing aside from herself and a spare shirt, the rest she set up and collected herself by cutting down wood, gathering water, hunting for food and stealing from abandoned campsites and boats.

She was curled in a ball, her head too fuzzy with thoughts to even consider a little nap. She woke up considerably early today and felt herself a little tired and lacking sleep. But now, her opportunity to fall asleep was slowly slipping away as she thought about Lloyd and the rest of her friends.

She was fine a little while ago so why now? Why had she even transported in this place, was there a reason?

All the crying had made her tired, she felt so numb and useless. She didn't realize this but these negative emotions pulled her down to slumber.

Having finished with replacing the campfire's logs, Garmadon turned in the direction of the tent. "A beeping sound?" He wondered confused as he heard a certain sound come from the campsite.

Cellphone, maybe. Or even a remote control leading to a vehicle around here? Garmadon wanted to the bottom of this, he doesn't know how long he can last with such a sound ringing in his ears.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It came from the tent. That's what he figured out when he walked around the site a little. He checked under the logs and even by the trees to check for any devices behind trees.

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